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Also why the hell would you put this in the footer of your site:

Opimitized For Gecko & WebKit Browser Rendering Engines

Trident Rendering Engine (Internet Explorer) may not properly work


Thats like saying if you use IE then tough shit. You should make it work.

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Also why the hell would you put this in the footer of your site:

Opimitized For Gecko & WebKit Browser Rendering Engines

Trident Rendering Engine (Internet Explorer) may not properly work


Thats like saying if you use IE then tough shit. You should make it work.


Definition of Optimized


  /ˈɒptəˌmaɪz/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [op-tuh-mahyz]

–verb (used with object)

1. to make as effective, perfect, or useful as possible.

2. to make the best of.

3. Computers. to write or rewrite (the instructions in a program) so as to maximize efficiency and speed in retrieval, storage, or execution.

4. Mathematics. to determine the maximum or minimum values of (a specified function that is subject to certain constraints).


Please read the definition above ...


Informing someone that a service is optimized to work using specifics is not in any way telling them "tough shit", it is simply implying that the service you are using will work using other products but may not be 100%


And next time you want to rant please read a post entirely


Havent taken the time to validate or Fix IE, these will be taken care of in the final steps

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Misspelled word....


Could be jazzed up a tad more.... not very very appealing colors IMO...


The rainbow colors at the top (the thin line) is kinda distracting, maybe thicken it up a tad ? make the colors blend in more...the green there is too bright for me....


renderes well in Chrome as expected..



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I personally would debug the site so that it runs on all major more-or-less up to date browsers IMO.


The site is very lightweight and clean for sure (can't go wrong with that).


I think the login system would be best implemented somewhere in (or just below) the header in visible plain sight (as opposed to being in the Home tab menu). As it currently stands, it feels somewhat hidden from visitors (they have to rummage through the menu system to find it).


While you have <h2> tags, I think I would find somewhere to put that all important single <h1> tag, as this carries more weight / prominence in search engines. Also on that note, you don't have a meta 'description' tag (this is important as it serves as the text that is displayed in SERPs). This should be a single yet descriptive sentence regarding the current page in question.


The title tag is also important and should probably be more than simply 'Unus Development Beta .0.1'... Some things to consider with regards to the title tag..

  • It should be short but descriptive and sound natural. This tag  serves as the main heading in SERPs, so people may make a decision on whether to visit your site based on this.
  • It should be easily readable for stats applications.
  • A format could be like: Page Title | Site Name | A short relevant keyword phrase (but it doesn't have to be that way).
  • Listing the page title / site name first gives the users an immediate heads up regarding what your site is about at a glance.


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