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[SOLVED] Error: (1452) Cannot add or update a child row:


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Okay I am simply trying to update a record here is the error I get


A fatal MySQL error occurred.

Query: UPDATE Profile_Appearance SET Height='4', Weight='', HairColor='1', EyeColor='7', Build='6', FacialHair='7', Tattoos='5', Piercings='4' WHERE CustID ='539717990'

Error: (1452) Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`alpha_cms/Profile_Appearance`, CONSTRAINT `FK_Profile_Appearance_Build` FOREIGN KEY (`Build`) REFERENCES `answ_build` (`BuildID`))


//Get User's CustID
if (isset($_SESSION['CustID'])) {
$varCustID = $_SESSION['CustID'];

// Connect to DB

$varProfileAppearanceArray = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Profile_Appearance WHERE CustID = '$varCustID'");

$varPrevAppearance = mysql_fetch_assoc($varProfileAppearanceArray);

$varPrevHeight = $varPrevAppearance[Height];
$varPrevWeight = $varPrevAppearance[Weight];
$varPrevHairColor = $varPrevAppearance[HairColor];
$varPrevEyeColor = $varPrevAppearance[EyeColor];
$varPrevBuild = $varPrevAppearance[build];
$varPrevFacialHair = $varPrevAppearance[FacialHair];
$varPrevTattoos = $varPrevAppearance[Tattoos];
$varPrevPiercings = $varPrevAppearance[Piercings];

} else {
header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/projects/recode/index.php?section=denied");

print "<div id=\"profileupdater\">
<form method=\"post\" name=\"Profile_About\" action=\"php/includes/content/members_home/forms/profile_forms/post_profile_appearance_form.php\">
<fieldset id=\"first2\">
<legend for=\"appearence\">APPEARANCE </legend>
                <li><label for=\"height\">	Height:	</label>	
				<select id=\"height\" name=\"formHeight\" >";
				echo "</select>
                <li><label for=\"weight\">	Weight:	</label>	<input id=\"weight\" type=\"text\" name=\"formWeight\" maxlength=\"3\" value=\"$varPrevWeight\" /></li>
                <li><label for=\"haircolor\">Hair Color:</label>
                		<select id=\"haircolor\" name=\"formHairColor\">";
                        echo "</select>             	
                <li><label for=\"eyecolor\">	Eye Color:</label>	
                		<select id=\"eyecolor\" name=\"formEyeColor\">";
                        echo "</select>    
                <li><label for=\"build\">	 Build:</label>	
                		<select id=\"build\" name=\"formBuild\">";
                        echo "</select>    
                <li><label for=\"facialhair\">Facial Hair:</label>	
                		<select id=\"facialhair\" name=\"formFacialHair\">";
                        echo "</select>    
                <li><label for=\"tattoos\">Tattoos:</label>	
                		<select id=\"tattoos\" name=\"formTattoos\">";
                        echo "</select>    
                <li><label for=\"piercings\">Piercings:</label>
                		<select id=\"piercings\" name=\"formPiercings\">";
                        echo "</select>
		<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update Profile Now!\"/>



Any Ideas guys, this is my first attempt at relationships in databases so if I am missing information please let me know what you need.


Thanks :)

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Maybe im missing something but does the code you posted even have anythign to do with the error your getting ?


The error seems to point to a UPDATE query, yet the code you posted only has a SELECT Query..



I think no one has responded to your thread because of what i just said, and it may make people feel like its a waste of time, when it looks like you dont understand the code you are presenting....do you ?


What relationship does the code u present have with the error u gave ?


http://www.rojakcoder.com/wordpress/2008/12/17/mysql-error-1452/  <--possible explination ?

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Thanks Dark here is the rest of the code with the update statement:


$varHeight = $_POST['formHeight'];
$varWeight = $_POST['formWeight'];
	$varHairColor = $_POST['formHairColor'];
$varEyeColor = $_POST['formEyeColor'];
$varBuild = $_POST['formBuild'];
$varFacialHair = $_POST['formFacialHair'];
$varTattoos = $_POST['formTattoos'];
$varPiercings = $_POST['formPiercings'];

// Get CustID from cookie
if (isset($_SESSION['CustID'])) {
$varCustID = $_SESSION['CustID'];

// Connect to DB

$query = "UPDATE Profile_Appearance SET Height='$varHeight', Weight='$varWeight', HairColor='$varHairColor', EyeColor='$varEyeColor', Build='$varBuild', FacialHair='$varFacialHair', Tattoos='$varTattoos', Piercings='$varPiercings' WHERE CustID ='$varCustID'";
$result = @mysql_query($query) 
or die("<b>A fatal MySQL error occurred</b>.\n<br />Query: " . $query . "<br />\nError: (" . mysql_errno() . ") " . mysql_error());

} else {
	header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/projects/recode/index.php?section=profileupdateall");
if ($pageid =='0') {
	header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/projects/recode/index.php?section=members_home");
} else 
	header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/projects/recode/index.php?section=profileupdateall");

/*$varHeadline = $_POST['formHeadline'];
$varCountry = $_POST['formCountry'];
$varZipCode = $_POST['formZipCode'];
$varState = $_POST['formState'];
$varGender = $_POST['formGender'];
$varBirthdate = $_POST['formBirthdate'];
$varSexuality = $_POST['formSexuality'];
$varInterestedIn = $_POST['formInterestedIn'];
$varRelationshipStatus = $_POST['formRelationshipStatus'];
$varHIVStatus = $_POST['formHIVStatus'];
$varEthnicity = $_POST['formEthnicity'];

// Get CustID from cookie
$varCustID = $_COOKIE['CustID'];
// Connect to DB

//Store BasicS
mysql_query("UPDATE profile_Basic SET Headline='$varHeadline', Country='$varCountry', ZipCode='$varZipCode', State='$varState', Gender='$varGender', Birthdate='$varBirthdate', Sexuality='$varSexuality', InterestedIn='$varInterestedIn', RelationshipStatus='$varRelationshipStatus', HIVStatus='$varHIVStatus', Ethnicity='$varEthnicity' WHERE CustID='$varCustID'");


if ($pageid =='0') {
	header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/projects/recode/index.php?section=members_home");
} else 
	header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/projects/recode/index.php?section=profileupdateall");*/

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