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Redirecting usernames to pages


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uhh thats just a directory in which their page is stored...






when you create your account you have to specify this variable which is then used to populate a directory with a default profile template. The template is then populated with the information you entered during sign up and any info therein after.



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so you think creating a new directory for every new user, with an instance of a page for every single user, is the better alternative to having a single script that dynamically generates the user's content from a database, and using a system (mod rewrite) where you can enter in a "friendly" url and the server parses it and loads up that single page, passing the name to it?

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I asked an honest question.  You aren't the only one around here that "does this for a living."  The fact that you prefer that method over mod rewrite in my mind either makes you retarded or brilliant.  I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, because I'm always up for learning something. I'm humble enough to recognize that I'm not perfect.  If I were going to just write you off as retarded I would have expressed myself in like manner.  Like right now.  You're being retarded for assuming that I'm out to get you. 

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Like Crayon said, people who are good at PHP are good because they never stop learning. Assume that your the best, and you'll never get anywhere. Assume that everyone else is as good as you or better, and you'll always be learning new ways to do things better. Like right now, you have the chance to learn about mod rewrite, which is very efficient

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I was hoping for an opportunity to learn some arcane reason why his method is better.  Stuff like that is gold.  But considering I just read in some whine thread of his that he's been programming in php for 4 years and never knew it supported OOP makes me think I'm about to be disappointed.

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Doing something for a living doesn't mean your any good at it,


if you have a strong case then you can't really get "bashed", instead of saying you got bashed you either read up on what they are saying and come back with reasons yours is better or say your bashing me and not learn anything new,

Whenever i have conflicts with anyone (including CV) about something I am unsure of I choose to look into what they say and/or read up on what i believe, (to validate it), either way by the end of it, i either have a new improved approach or a better understanding of what other options their are and when i should or should not use them.


In most case i would use a "mod rewrite" but in some case that's not be possible

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In most case i would use a "mod rewrite" but in some case that's not be possible


Ain't that the truth.. until recently, my hosting provider allowed this.. so I was able to use .htaccess for redirects and whatnot...It wasn't until my ftp account was compromised (poor password setup on my part).. Once the malware was removed (and I changed to a better strength password), Poof! No more .htaccess  Also removed was the ability for application level gzip encoding :(


I'm really going to have to learn to set up and make us of a VPS one of these days, as this chaps my rear end.

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