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I am trying to use this: http://www.spyka.net/scripts/javascript/simple-banner-rotator on my wordpress blog. I am using it to rotate my ads. For some reason, after the add the js to a sidebar it adds a br to the end.


you can see me blog here: http://shadesofgrayjournal.com. I want those top ads to be next to each other horizontally. My css is all perfect but when i add the ad calling it with

<script type="text/javascript"> show_banners(); </script>

. It adds a br.


If you dont want to dl the script, here is what I have.


// if 1 (one), all images will be resized to img_width and img_height, else images will display their correct size
var force_size	= 0;
// desired height and width of images, only takes affect if above is one
var img_width	= 728;
var img_height	= 90;

// time between refreshs of ad locations, to disable refreshs set to 0. In milliseconds, 1000 = 1 second
var refresh_time = 60000;
// maximum amount of refreshs, good to set if a user may be on a page for a long period of time.
var refresh_max = 10;

// if you do not want the same banners to display on the same page then set this to 0, else set it to 1.
// this option is only used if you have put the show_banners() javascript code more than once into a page
var duplicate_banners = 1;

// ignore/skip this line 
var banners = new Array();

// banner list syntax: banners[x] = new banner(website_name, website_url, banner_url, show_until_date);  DATE FORMAT: dd/mm/yyyy
// be sure to increase x by 1 for each banner added!
// to make sure a banner is always rotating, just set the date far into the future, i.e. year 3000
banners[0] = new banner('justin', 'http://www.justinledelson', 'http://justinledelson.com/images/justinledelson_ad_150x150.gif', '30/04/2019');
banners[1] = new banner('cash', 'http://cashcrate.com/485323', 'http://justinledelson.com/images/cashcrate_ad_150x150.gif', '10/04/2019');

//         				There is no need to edit below here

var used=0;var first_pass=0;var location_counter=1;var refresh_counter=1;function banner(name,url,image,date){this.name=name;this.url=url;this.image=image;this.date=date;this.active=1;}function show_banners(){var html='<div id="adLocation-'+location_counter+'"></div>';document.write(html);display_banners(location_counter);location_counter++;}function display_banners(location){if(location==''||!location||location<0){return;}var am=banners.length;if((am==used)&&duplicate_banners==0){return;}var rand=Math.floor(Math.random()*am);var bn=banners[rand];var image_size=(force_size==1)?' width="'+img_width+'" height="'+img_height+'"':'';var html='<a href="'+bn.url+'" title="'+bn.name+'" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="'+bn.image+'"'+image_size+' alt="'+bn.name+'" /></a>';var now=new Date();var input=bn.date;input=input.split('/',3);var end_date=new Date();end_date=end_date.setFullYear(parseFloat(input[2]),parseFloat(input[1]),parseFloat(input[0]));if((now<end_date)&&bn.active==1){var location_element=document.getElementById('adLocation-'+location);if(location_element==null){alert('banner rotator\nError: adLocation doesn\'t exist!');}else
{display_banners(location);}}function refresh_banners(){if((refresh_counter==refresh_max)||refresh_time<1){clearInterval(banner_refresh);}used=0;for(i=0;i<banners.length;i++){banners[i].active=1;}for(i=1;i<location_counter;i++){display_banners(i);}refresh_counter++;}var banner_refresh=window.setInterval(refresh_banners,refresh_time);

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Actually it IS your css, no br there anywhere, it's simply 2 block elements which normally don't sit next to eachother as they take up all available width.


add this to the bottom of your stylesheet, #adLocation-1, #adLocation-2 { float: left;  }

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