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php noob needs help importing csv to db, empty array causing mysql error


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I'm new to PHP, am in an advanced PHP class in college and working on a project that requires importing a comma separated list of users into a mysql db but I'm having an issue with the import and need some help.


The import function works, E.G it imports the users into the db successfully, however, when the function gets to the end of the CSV file it adds an empty array and, of course, gives me a mysql error because of the null entries in the last array.


I'm trying to figure out how to eliminate the empty arrays from the multidimensional array $lineItem2, have been working on it all day, but the solution eludes me.


First, this is what the array looks like after its imported and processed:

(note the empty array at bottom)

     [0] => Array(
             [fname] => Todd
             [lname] => Preston
             [email] => tpreston@somewhere.com)
     [1] => Array(
             [fname] => Sam
             [lname] => Phillips
             [email] => sphillips@somewhere.net)
     [2] => Array(
             [fname] =>
             [lname] =>
             [email] => )


I'm not familiar with importing files to db's, this is my first attempt.

Here's the entire code I'm using to read from and proccess the file:

require 'import.php'; //db model, contains user_import function

$import = new userAdmin;

if (isset($_FILES['uploadedfile'])) {
    $inFile = fopen($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], "r");
    $myData = fread($inFile, filesize($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name']));
    fclose ($inFile);
    $myDB = split("\n", $myData);

    //split each line by comma values
    foreach($myDB as $data){
        $lineItem[] = split(",", $data);

    //create array for db import
    foreach($lineItem as $key){
        $lineItem2[] = array('fname' => $key[0],
                                     'lname' => $key[1],
                                     'email' => $key[2]);

    //remove empty arrays from $lineItem2
    foreach($lineItem2 as $key => $value){
         //fname is the first value in each array, if it's empty, drop it.
         if($value['fname'] === ''){
            unset($key); //not working
         //set values for db insertion
         $fname = $value['fname'];
         $lname = $value['lname'];
         $email = $value['email'];
         //insert new array values into db


Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks  8)

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You can change:

         //set values for db insertion
         $fname = $value['fname'];
         $lname = $value['lname'];
         $email = $value['email'];

         //insert new array values into db




         //set values for db insertion
         $fname = trim($value['fname']);
         $lname = trim($value['lname']);
         $email = trim($value['email']);
         // make sure all fields are NOT empty.
         if ($fname !== '' && $lname !== '' && $email !== '') {
                  //insert new array values into db

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$file = "/path/to/csv/file";
$contents = file( $file );
$records = array();
foreach( $file as $line ) {
  $line = trim( $line );
  if( !strlen( $line ) ) { continue; } // ignore empty lines
  if( substr_count( $line, ',' ) != 2 ) { continue; } // expect 2 commas
  list( $fname, $lname, $email ) = explode( ',', $line );
  $records[] = array( 'fname' => $fname, 'lname' => $lname, 'email' => $email );
print_r( $records ); // should have no empty records


Or you could probably just load it directly from the CSV file with and not use PHP at all:



Sure, you're taking a PHP class.  But no sense catching a fish with dynamite if you have a pole handy.

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