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php on windows server 2008 with iis 7


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Hi guys i just transferred my website on a new server and i get "PHP Notice: " and different errors. I should say that everything worked perfectly on the previous server just a bit slow. Is there any specific configuration i should do on iis 7 for my website to work??


Thanks in advance,


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Notices are caused by problematic code, you should fix that.


If you want to however take the lazy approuch you could disable the display of notices by lowering your error_handling directive within the php.ini.

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ok i will check my code but i should tell you that nothing has changed in the code. Yesterday on the old server worked ok and with no changes on the code only the transfer on the new server caused the problem. The reason i am asking here and didnt go to my code is that i have a joomla website on as well and i get the same problem.


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ok i will check my code but i should tell you that nothing has changed in the code. Yesterday on the old server worked ok and with no changes on the code only the transfer on the new server caused the problem. The reason i am asking here and didnt go to my code is that i have a joomla website on as well and i get the same problem.



Like I said, you can turn notices off by lowering your error reporting level. It is likely your other server has a lowever setting.


You should always develope with error reporting set to a maximum. This way you see every notice and can fix your code as you go.

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