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Ok... two sections of my site to submit for critique on useability and general design notes/comments:


http://www.anomymage.com - The base of my personal site


http://www.anomymage.com/tests/do/desktop/ - What my site will be switched to after i am done designing it...


The desktop site will eventually be used as a "portfolio" site... My theory is "what better way to show what I do, then by showing where/how I do it..."

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I like the out of the box approach... the console approach was also nice... :-)


Did you write the code? or was this more of a mash up of different scripts?


The main site (Not desktop) is all written by me, after looking up the various functions of php, and breaking down some of the examples on the PHP site.


The desktop is a collection of both self-made, and borrowed code. The main drag/resize is a jquery script that I found and fell in love with. The code for the "new div's" was tweaked (to all hell) by me, to make it do what i wanted. The "My Docs" 'window' is a combination of two scripts that I found. The "myTunes" 'window' is  based on a flash music player that I found, and tweaked to allow playlists.


I am always adding to both parts, as I want an accurate representation of my desktop for the portfolio site, and I enjoy learning as much PHP as I can.

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