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images table


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I an creating a database for a website I am rebuilding. The old site uses flat-file DB and I want to rebuild it with MySQL DB. I have created the following tables which I feel is okay.

Customer information fields:
(id,fname,lname,notes)tablename is name.

(id,address,city,state,zipcode,country)table name is address.

(id,faxphone,homephone,cellphone)table name is phone.

(id,home-email,work-email,contact-email)table name is email.

car-condition,car-price,car-status(for-sale,sold),car-notes)table name is car


I am having a small problem with the images table. I do not want to upload images to the table itself. What I want to do is upload to a folder and reference them in the table. My question is how do I setup my table. I am going to have thumbnails that corresponds to each image. There may be as many as 15 large images and 15 thumbs.

Can someone please help me with this?

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I have another question about these Data Base tables. The first field is the id that is what is going to be the identifier for individual car owners. I feel that all of them should be auto_increment. If I do this does this mean that every time I add something to the database the first I should make sure that there is something that refers to every table?



I was going to add an image table with the URL to the photos. Since I was going to have 15 or more photos for each car owner do I need to create a field for each one or would it be better name the photos with the car owner id in the name. Which way would anyone suggest?


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hi i am working on a game script but i am haven some probs

need search the db and see if the users have a set 8 imgs and if

they have show them in a table on the game so if they have 1 it will only show the 1 and so on


can someone help me as i am new to db work and finding this part hard  :(


many thanks  gary

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