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As you mentioned, it's just a random site for your own improvement. So the content of the site isn't really important. The html is pretty good, could be one or two lists, but apart from that you have the correct use of divs/tables/spans, the standard places where people go wrong.


I'd suggest a security measure on your shout box if it's going to be available to everyone, captcha perhaps. Realistically you should resctric it for logged in users.


The design is pretty bad, probably what I'd come up with if I didn't have a designer, but I have a feeling that wasn't what you were striving for.


When you search games it goes to a games page rather than a search page, which is what the other two categories do.


Also you should hide errors in an online environment;


Warning: mktime() expects parameter 4 to be long, string given in /var/www/users/signup.php on line 27


You could do a lot of work on the usability of the register page.

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Thank you for the feedback. As of now the security measure on the shoutbox is a session called flood. If it's set then you can't post. Yes, the design is pretty much as simple has it gets. About the search, I just put a label of the selected category at the top. Would you suggest just having it say "Search"?

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- You may want to look into validating your markup and css.

- You shouldn't use tables for layout purposes.. I would learn how to do that all in css instead.

- Regarding SEO, you have a single <h3> tag, which contains today's date? I wouldn't use heading tags for those.. I would use 1 <h1> tag for the most important 'headline' on the page, then use some <h2> tags for sub headings, and so forth. You have a good description meta tag, but you title tag should be more detailed than simply 'perks's page'. According to this book, the title tag is one of the most important places to put your keywords and phrases (and no, this doesn't mean a dumping ground for keyword stuffing).


The point of the title tag is to educate visitors and search engines about the page, site and what it's about. Title tags should be a short concise yet descriptive sentence.

An example of a better title tag in your case could be: <title>Home | Perk's Page | Where you'll find music, games, tools, and more.</title> (borrowed from the description). Obviously, custom it to be more accurate if need be. Keep it short to reduce the odds of truncation.


- Using Yahoo's smushit!, you can shave some memory off of images (your home page can shave off ~2.33 KB... not much.. but better than nothing.)


From a visual standpoint:

- I can't say I'm a fan TBH. A lot of wasted space on the sides of the content in the central column.

- Today's date could be removed from that awkward position and placed at the top right hand side of the central column.

- The header graphic and the header background could use some polish IMO (easier said than done if being artistic isn't your strength, I know).

- The rounded corners for the panels that contain 'Status Updates' for example look rough around the edges. I would make them smoother with anti-aliasing.

- I can see you like tightly containing content in their sections (no space between text and their surrounding square regions.. I would add some padding / margins to give content more breathing room.


Overall, while light weight and fast, it could use some more 'pizzaz' and better use of layout IMO.

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