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basic if/else php code...need a little help


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Could someone be so kind as to help me get this bit of code working?


My PHP experience is only a couple of weeks old.


// Connect to MySQL
$con = mysql_connect("","","");
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

// Select database
mysql_select_db("spi", $con);

// query 1
$sql="SELECT * FROM trades2";	
if ($result=mysql_query($sql)) {

// Classification of trades
switch($result) {
case 'trd':
if ($type == "N") {

	if ($type1 == "a" and $price >= $price1) {
		echo 'buy';
	else if ($type1 == "b" and $price <= $price1) {
		echo 'sell';
	else {
		echo '';

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Try the following instead

  $dbserver = "";
  $dbusername = "";
  $dbpassword = "";  
  $dbname ="spi";
  $link=mysql_connect ($dbserver,$dbusername,$dbpassword) or die ('DB ERROR -> ' . mysql_error());
  mysql_select_db ($dbname); 

$sql = "SELECT * FROM `trades2`";
$result2 = mysql_db_query($dbname,$sql,$link) or die("Invalid Query<br>". mysql_error());
while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
    case 'trd':
      if(strtolower($result[type1]) == 'a' && $result[price] >= $result[price1]){echo "Buy";}
      if(strtolower($result[type1]) == 'b' && $result[price] <= $result[price1]){echo "Sell";}


I'm presuming your db structure :)

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Hi dawsba,


Just run the suggested code and I'm getting the following error message;


Notice: Use of undefined constant trade - assumed 'trade' in www\Classification_CodeTest.php on line 18


Notice: Undefined index: trade in \www\Classification_CodeTest.php on line 18


Thanks for the reply by the way.

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Ok, I've updated the code but I still get this error message;


Notice: Undefined index: trade in C:\......\CodeTest.php on line 18


  $dbserver = "";
  $dbusername = "";
  $dbpassword = "";  
  $dbname ="spi";
  $link=mysql_connect ($dbserver,$dbusername,$dbpassword) or die ('DB ERROR -> ' . mysql_error());
  mysql_select_db ($dbname); 

$sql = "SELECT * FROM `trades2`";
$result2 = mysql_db_query($dbname,$sql,$link) or die("Invalid Query<br>". mysql_error());
while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
    case 'trd':
      if(strtolower($result['type1']) == 'a' && $result['price'] >= $result['price1']){echo "Buy";}
      if(strtolower($result['type1']) == 'b' && $result['price'] <= $result['price1']){echo "Sell";}

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Are you sure you have a field named trade in your table?


This was the problem I have attached the updated code  ;) The name of the field is `TYPE`. Now it appears that the code works as there are no error messages...what steps would I need to display the results?



  $dbserver = "";
  $dbusername = "";
  $dbpassword = "";  
  $dbname ="spi";
  $link=mysql_connect ($dbserver,$dbusername,$dbpassword) or die ('DB ERROR -> ' . mysql_error());
  mysql_select_db ($dbname); 

$sql = "SELECT * FROM `trades2`";
$result2 = mysql_db_query($dbname,$sql,$link) or die("Invalid Query<br>". mysql_error());
while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
    case 'trd':
      if(strtolower($result['TYPE1']) == 'a' && $result['PRICE'] >= $result['PRICE1']){echo "buy";}
      if(strtolower($result['TYPE1']) == 'b' && $result['PRICE'] <= $result['PRICE1']){echo "sell";}



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My apologies to the more experienced members but I am learning slowly but surely. I have noted next to the code below what results I'm trying to echo...I'm getting a blank screen with this code at the moment.



  $dbserver = "";
  $dbusername = "";
  $dbpassword = "";  
  $dbname ="spi";
  $link=mysql_connect ($dbserver,$dbusername,$dbpassword) or die ('DB ERROR -> ' . mysql_error());
  mysql_select_db ($dbname); 

$sql = "SELECT * FROM `trades2`";
$result2 = mysql_db_query($dbname,$sql,$link) or die("Invalid Query<br>". mysql_error());
while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
    case 'trd':
      if(strtolower($result['TYPE1']) == 'a' && $result['PRICE'] >= $result['PRICE1']){echo "buy";}
      if(strtolower($result['TYPE1']) == 'b' && $result['PRICE'] <= $result['PRICE1']){echo "sell";}




      if(strtolower($result['TYPE1']) == 'a' && $result['PRICE'] >= $result['PRICE1']){echo "buy";} I want to echo this result

      if(strtolower($result['TYPE1']) == 'b' && $result['PRICE'] <= $result['PRICE1']){echo "sell";} & this result

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How do you mean?


I thought both of those statements were treated equally? If not I am mistaken.


The table that I have selected (trades2) has data that meets both criteria. All type columns data is equal to 'N' and I'm trying to classify the data with the code as described and I thought the echo would show a result on the screen with a "buy" or "sell"  where trades meet the criteria...


Am I on the wrong track here?



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I have also tried the following; The only error I get at the moment is as follows;


Parse error: parse error in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP 3.0\www\Needs work\Classification_CodeTest1.php on line 31



  $dbserver = "";
  $dbusername = "";
  $dbpassword = "";  
  $dbname ="spi";
  $link=mysql_connect ($dbserver,$dbusername,$dbpassword) or die ('DB ERROR -> ' . mysql_error());
  mysql_select_db ($dbname); 

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `trades2`");
while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
    case 'trd':
    if ('TYPE'=='N'){

      	if ('TYPE1' =='a' && 'PRICE' >= 'PRICE1'){
  		echo "buy";
      	else if ('TYPE1' =='b' && 'PRICE' <= 'PRICE1'){
  		echo "sell";


I'm not quite sure how to move forward with this. I've tried to cut it down to the bare minumum and I still can't make any progress. Basically my thought process is I'm trying to run the sql query to get the data first and then I want to run an if statement on the query and display the output of the result to screen. Where am I going wrong?


This is the SQL query; SELECT * FROM `trades2`


I want to run the following if statements on the data from the above SQL query and have the result output to screen...


   if ('TYPE'=='N'){

      	if ('TYPE1' =='a' && 'PRICE' >= 'PRICE1'){
  		echo "buy";
      	else if ('TYPE1' =='b' && 'PRICE' <= 'PRICE1'){
  		echo "sell";


This has been driving me banana's I've been able to do almost everything else I this is one of the last bits of code I need...

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Please help I have been stuck on this for weeks...


I can run other queries without too much of a problem, but an if statement I'm finding much much more difficult...I don't know how to go about it, can it even be done? I want to run my SELECT query first and from the result of the query run the if statement. But where do I put the if statement? And how do I have the results displayed on the screen?


I'm so frustrated... :'(

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If you could run the following it may help me understand your db structure: and display/post the results . :)


  $dbserver = "";
  $dbusername = "";
  $dbpassword = "";  
  $dbname ="spi";
  $link=mysql_connect ($dbserver,$dbusername,$dbpassword) or die ('DB ERROR -> ' . mysql_error());
  mysql_select_db ($dbname); 

$sql = "SELECT * FROM `trades2`";
$result2 = mysql_db_query($dbname,$sql,$link) or die("Invalid Query<br>". mysql_error());
while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
  foreach($result as $k=>$v){echo $k." <-> ".$v ."<BR />";}

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Results as requested...it's only a small sample, there are around 2600 records in the table.


0 <-> 18

ID1 <-> 18

1 <-> A


2 <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:37 PM

DATE1 <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:37 PM

3 <-> 1430

TIME1 <-> 1430

4 <-> b

TYPE1 <-> b

5 <-> 3824

PRICE1 <-> 3824

6 <-> 8

SIZE1 <-> 8

7 <-> 19

ID <-> 19

8 <-> A


9 <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:37 PM

DATE <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:37 PM

10 <-> 1430

TIME <-> 1430

11 <-> N

TYPE <-> N

12 <-> 3825

PRICE <-> 3825

13 <-> 1

SIZE <-> 1

0 <-> 19

ID1 <-> 19

1 <-> A


2 <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:37 PM

DATE1 <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:37 PM

3 <-> 1430

TIME1 <-> 1430

4 <-> N

TYPE1 <-> N

5 <-> 3825

PRICE1 <-> 3825

6 <-> 1

SIZE1 <-> 1

7 <-> 20

ID <-> 20

8 <-> A


9 <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:37 PM

DATE <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:37 PM

10 <-> 1430

TIME <-> 1430

11 <-> N

TYPE <-> N

12 <-> 3825

PRICE <-> 3825

13 <-> 1

SIZE <-> 1

0 <-> 22

ID1 <-> 22

1 <-> A


2 <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:37 PM

DATE1 <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:37 PM

3 <-> 1430

TIME1 <-> 1430

4 <-> b

TYPE1 <-> b

5 <-> 3824

PRICE1 <-> 3824

6 <-> 10

SIZE1 <-> 10

7 <-> 23

ID <-> 23

8 <-> A


9 <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:38 PM

DATE <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:38 PM

10 <-> 1430

TIME <-> 1430

11 <-> N

TYPE <-> N

12 <-> 3825

PRICE <-> 3825

13 <-> 1

SIZE <-> 1

0 <-> 25

ID1 <-> 25

1 <-> A


2 <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:38 PM

DATE1 <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:38 PM

3 <-> 1430

TIME1 <-> 1430

4 <-> a

TYPE1 <-> a

5 <-> 3825

PRICE1 <-> 3825

6 <-> 3

SIZE1 <-> 3

7 <-> 26

ID <-> 26

8 <-> A


9 <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:38 PM

DATE <-> 27/05/2009 2:30:38 PM

10 <-> 1430

TIME <-> 1430

11 <-> N

TYPE <-> N

12 <-> 3825

PRICE <-> 3825

13 <-> 1

SIZE <-> 1

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