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Routing system if someone can explain to me please


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Hello everyone few days ago i was reading about codeigniters routing system and after that i`ve start searching google about other routing systems and stuff like that.

While i was searching i found out something interesting.


$cfg['routing']['url']['products/:alphanum']  = 'store/products/:result';
$cfg['routing']['url']['product\/[a-z]'] = 'store/products/$1';
$cfg['routing']['url']['categories/:num/:alphanum-:num']  = 'store/categories/:result/:result/:result';  


can please someone explain to me how this routing system is made maybe a small explained example ? thank  you very much

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What is there to explain? All we know is that it's an array. You're the person who found it, so you know more about it than us.

yeah.. maybe..


i found a file regarding this config



class Url
private $urlfragments, $mod;
public $url, $file;

	public function __construct( )
		$cfg = Config::getConfig('url');
		$this->mod = (($cfg['rewrite']) == false) ? 1 : 0;
		$this->url = $cfg['url'] . ( $cfg['rewrite'] ? '' : 'index.php/' );
		$nUrl = array();
		if( array_key_exists('PATH_INFO', $_SERVER) )
			$nUrl =  explode('/',$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']);
			$nUrl = array_splice( $nUrl, 1);
		$this->urlfragments = $nUrl;

		if( defined("IN_ADMIN") && IN_ADMIN == true )
			$this->file = 'admin.php';
			$this->file = 'index.php';

	public function seg( $num , $returnValue = '' )
		return ( isset( $this->urlfragments[ $num + $this->mod ]) && $this->urlfragments[$num + $this->mod] != '') ? 
					$this->urlfragments[ $num + $this->mod ] : 

	public function seg_array( $start, $end, $returnValue = '' )
		$array_splice = array_splice( $this->urlfragments, $start + $this->mod, ($end - $start) + $this->mod);
		return (count($array_splice) > 0 ) ? $array_splice : $returnValue;

	public function seg_all()
		return $this->urlfragments;

	public function seg_fetch_assoc()
		$tick = 0;
		$return = array();
		for( $i = 0 + $this->mod; $i <= count($this->urlfragments); ++$i )
			if( isset($this->urlfragments[$i]) && isset($this->urlfragments[$i + 1]))
				$return[ $this->urlfragments[$i] ] = $this->urlfragments[ ++$i ]; 	 	 	 	
			}elseif( isset($this->urlfragments[$i]) )
				$return[ $this->urlfragments[$i] ] = '';				

		return $return;

	public function seg_assoc( $array = array() )
		$return = '';
		foreach( $array as $key => $val )
			$return .= $key . '/' . $val . '/';			

		return $return;												

	public function seg_return_string( $url = null )
		$url = ( is_null($url) ) ? $this->urlfragments : $url;
		return implode( '/', $url );		

	public function sanitize( $string )
		return str_replace('/', '*', $string);

	public function revert( $string )
		return str_replace('*', '/', $string);



class Route
public static $route, $processed, $isRegex, $isPlain;

	private static function __init()
		//Is route already set?
		if( !is_array(self::$route) )
			//It's not so retreieve the variables from the config file
			$routing = Config::getConfig('routing');

			//Is the config file empty?
			if( is_array($routing) )

				//Are there any rules set?
				$routeCount = count($routing['url']);

				//There may be, so set it
				if( $routeCount > 0 )
					self::$route = $routing;


	private static function __processRouteVariables()
		self::$isPlain = array();
		self::$isRegex = array();

		//Make sure the variables either havent' been previously
		//processed or the route variable is actually filled
		if( !is_array(self::$route) || self::$processed )

		//populate variables
		$rules = self::$route['rules'];
		$routes = self::$route['url'];

		//serperate out our rules
		$ruleKeys  = array_keys( $rules );
		$ruleValues = array_values( $rules ); 

		//Make a variable to hold our new rules
		$newRoutes = array();

		//Cyecle through all of them
		foreach( $routes as $routeKey => $routeValue )
			//Take a count of of the black slaces
			$tmpKeyCount = count(explode('/', $routeKey));
			$tmpValCount = count(explode('/', $routeValue));

			//Keep the route values
			$tmpKey = $routeKey;
			$tmpVal = $routeValue;

			//now make them regex safe
			$routeKey   = preg_quote($routeKey);
			$routeValue = preg_quote($routeValue);

			//count the black slashes now
			$pstKeyCount = count(explode('\\', $routeKey));
			$pstValCount = count(explode('\\', $routeValue));

			//echo $tmpKey, '<br />', $tmpKeyCount, '<br />', $pstKeyCount, '<br /><br />';
			//the logic here is quite simple, if the back slashes are more than double what
			//there used to be it means more than the foward slashes and other regex on-safe
			//characters have been quotes meaning this string is a regex string so don't touch
			if( $pstKeyCount == 1 && !strstr(':', $tmpKey) )
				self::$isPlain[ $tmpKey ] = true;
				$routeKey = $tmpKey;
				$routeValue = $tmpVal;
			}elseif( (($tmpKeyCount * 2) < $pstKeyCount) || (($tmpValCount * 2) < $pstValCount) )
				//put it in the is regex array and refill our values with their original
				//echo $tmpKey;
				self::$isRegex[ $tmpKey ] = true;
				$routeKey   = $tmpKey;
				$routeValue = $tmpVal;

				//This string is a to-be parsed wild card string so parse it
				//and construct our regex string
				$routeKey   = str_replace( $ruleKeys, $ruleValues, $routeKey );
				$routeValue = str_replace( $ruleKeys, $ruleValues, $routeValue );

				//Let's go after results
				if( strstr( $routeValue, ':result') )
					//since the parsed wild-card string has already been made
					//regex safe, we need the temporary string tht hasn't been
					$results = explode(':result', $tmpVal);
					$resultCount = count($results) - 1;
					$resultString = null;

					//Cycle through our array and create the result string regex
					for($i = 0; $i < $resultCount; ++$i)
						$resultString .= $results[$i] . '$' . ($i + 1);

					$routeValue = $resultString;


			//Fill our new array of rules
			$newRoutes[ $routeKey ] = $routeValue;

		self::$route = $newRoutes;


	public static function setRoute( Array $route )
		//set the route if the url rule isn't empty
		if( count($route['url']) > 0 )
			self::$route = $route;

	public static function DoRoute($controller, $mod)

		//after we've ran out initiate function is the route still empty?
		if( !is_array(self::$route) )
			//Indeed, return nothing

		//Make our mod and controller into a url string that complies
		//with our rules
		$urlString = $controller . '/' . $mod;

		//foreach loops are very break friendly so we're going to make use of a
		//while loop which continues until the end of the array or if a result
		//is found and succesfully replace

		$continue = true;
		while( (list($ruleKey, $ruleValue) = each(self::$route)) && $continue )
			if( array_key_exists($ruleKey, self::$isPlain) )
				$tmpString = str_replace($ruleKey, $ruleValue, $urlString);
				if( $tmpString !== $urlString )
					$urlString = $tmpString;
					$continue = false;
				//Make sure we're not messing with a regex string
				if( !array_key_exists($ruleKey, self::$isRegex) )
					$ruleKey = str_replace('/', '\/', $ruleKey);

				//Check if the string is a match
				if( preg_match( '/' . $ruleKey . '/', $urlString) && $continue == true )
					//It is so repalce it and break the loop
					$urlString = preg_replace( '/' . $ruleKey . '/', $ruleValue, $urlString);
					$continue = false;

		//now break the url string again and return the controller, the function, and the variables
		$return = array();
		$urlString = explode('/', $urlString);
		$url = count($urlString)-1;

		//Build an array with our controller, method, and varaibles for input
		$return['controller'] = $urlString[0];
		$return['method']	  = $urlString[1];

		for($i = 2; $i <= $url; ++$i)
			$return['vars'][] = $urlString[$i];

		return $return;


but i didn't understand exacly what it does how it does.. :(

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