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Saving CSS


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I want to allow my registered users to create their own css for their page. My question is how would i go about saving this information. I have a few ideas.


1. Say I have five different css styles I am allowing them to edit. Would I create a table with five different columns and I save each css style in its appropriate column.


2. Save the entire user created css file into the database.


Any other ideas??

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Never create a row with an arbitrary number of columns.  So you create a row with five fields for CSS, then you decide to allow a sixth, how much code do you have to change?  And are you shure you got them all?


I would make each CSS a separate row in the db, tied to the user.


One Thing -- you have to be VERY careful, or have VERY trustworthy users.  You are giving them an excellent opportunity to inject HTML and possibly PHP commands into your page.

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Well, once you are inside a style sheet, there should not be any HTML tags.  I think the strip_tags function might be useful. 


<?php echo string_tags($style); ?>


That's where I would start. 


Hopefully, If someone else has a better/different idea they will chime in.

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