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[SOLVED] Databases empty?


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A couple of our databases seem to have emptied overnight...


In phpMyAdmin they dont have the (x) with the amount of tables after their name - only on a few dbs though.


In /opt/lampp/var/mysql/mybrokendatabase (we use lampp) there are all the files, in total taking up the correct amount of space.


Is there any way I can correct whatever has gone wrong here? Didn't find much on Google, seems mainly how to empty/drop databases...




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Yes, but not nightly. I've got it mostly back from a backup, but theres the odd row here and there that changed yesterday.


I was really wondering if I can salvage any of it from all the .frm .MYD .MYI etc files I have for it.


Hopefully someone may have had this problem before and know a way to sort it?

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I used check tables etc, and found the error to be it couldn't find the correct .frm files - but they were still there. I tried resetting the permissions - this worked, but only when I set full permissions for everyone, which led me to think maybe mysqld had been started as the wrong user, but lampp manages that so im not sure...


Anyway, it works now. Thanks for the suggestions!

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