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I hope this is the correct spot to ask this question. I seem to have some kind of sorting issue going on with the way images are displayed on a page. I would like to be able to sort the images by file name but that isn't happening.


Any help "sorting" this issue out would be greatly appreciated :)


Here's the page:


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I don't see an option for me to edit my post. I just wanted to let everyone know that the sorting for the files (screenshots) has been taken care of.


Sorry for the double post. I just wanted to let everyone know so no one wastes their time with this issue.


I do however have something else I can't figure out. Although the files sort correctly, the categories do not. Here's an example of what the categories look like:




I've added each category (folder) in numerical order.


Any thoughts?

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so...are these real folders on the server or "folders" in a cms (you mentioned creating them in numerical order, whatever that's supposed to mean)?  How are you retrieving the names of them?  How are you displaying them? 


Don't expect anything just "goes without saying," because it doesn't.

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Basically the php code finds subfolders in a "screenshots" directory of a game's directory, then lists each subdir it finds. Currently they're not sorted in terms of what order they're being printed.


$dirpath = "games/{$gameid}/screens/";

$dir = opendir($dirpath);

while (($filename = readdir($dir)) !== false){

if($filename != "" && $filename != "." && $filename != ".."){

if(strpos($filename, ".") === false){

echo "<div class=\"category\"><a href=\"game.php?id={$gameid}&page=screenshots&cat={$filename}\">{$filename}</a></div>";




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Okay so here's the thing: It's not php's fault it's sorted that way, it's your server's.  The script you are using just reads the stuff from the directory as the server has it listed.  But anyways, you can re-order in php lots of different ways.


But in general, your script kind of sucks.  It's overkill and also you are checking to see if it's a directory by virtue of not having a dot in the name somewhere.  That doesn't necessarily mean it's a directory.  Here is a much better way of doing it:


$files = glob('*',GLOB_ONLYDIR);
//usort($files, create_function('$a,$b','return strcasecmp($a,$b);'));
foreach($files as $filename) {
  echo "<div class=\"category\"><a href=\"game.php?id={$gameid}&page=screenshots&cat={$filename}\">{$filename}</a></div>";


Note: the way sort() works, it sorts by ascii char comparison, so for instance, if you have this list:






sort() will make it like so:






if you want it to be case-insensitive, I included a commented out line that will do that.  just remove the sort(..) and use the commented out line instead.


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