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New to javascript. simple variaboles.


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hi; i have been trying to learn javascript and think i understand i tiny bit.


I know my code below will not work but i have been trying, but i am losing my will to live.


<script type="text/javascript">
var uploaded=0;
var uploads=10;
function check_uploads(){

function upload_completed(){

function copy_variable(){


Can someone make this in to a script that will work please syntax-wize anyway.

I think i would be able to make my whole script work if i had an example piece of code.


Also if i have an iframe and want to add to a variable thats in not in the iframe, do i need to do anything more then if it wasn't.


I very sorry for my bad word but i am trying to learn.

Please don't to nasty.

Thankyou all


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Perhaps that should be








submit.form.MYFORMID;  <--  Where's that coming from?


form.copy_to_me.fieldid.value=form.formid.fieldid.value; <--  Where's that coming from?



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Sorry about my last post. It was very bad.


in the head i have

<script type="text/javascript">
var uploaded=0;
var uploads=1;

function start_uploads(){document.forms["form_image_"1].submit()}

function upload_completed(){

function check_uploads(){

function upload_complete(id){
var x=document.getElementById("image_upload_result"+id);
x.innerHTML="Upload Complete";



and in the <body> i have

<div id="image_upload_result1">
<form method="post" action="mysite.com/?page=Gallery&action=Uploader" target="the_uploader_1" name="form_image_1">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="4608" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="1" />
<p class="meta">Image <b>1</b>
</p>Image Name; <input name="image_name" value="" />
<br />Image Desc; <input name="image_desc" value="" /><br />

<input type="file" name="image"/>
<iframe id="uploader_1" name="the_uploader_1" style="width:0px; height:0px; border: 0px" src=""></iframe>
<br /><br /></form></div>
<a href="javascript:void(0);"  onClick="start_uploads();">Start Uploading</a>


As you may see i have been trying to upload a image into a hidden IFRAME.


Please can someone point out where i have gone and some good sites to learn form. I have already gone though w2schools about 5 times.


Thankyou all in advance


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