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Proper usage of other peoples' RSS feeds (using small parts)


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I made a project that searches RSS feeds for content I find relevant. Now I want to share this info and am trying to figure out the most "proper" way of displaying information. So far I know this:


  • link to the article
  • don't change anything
  • link to the main source/title provided at the top of the feed
  • only show what is available in the feed, no other fancy copy paste stuff
  • don't make a feed of other feeds...right?


That's cool, but what if I am only showing random posts, not the full feed? Is that ok? Any other feedback or suggestions?


Thanks for the advise.

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Strictly speaking, what you are and are not permitted to do depends on the copyright laws in your country and the license under which the content is published. Because something is published to you it doesn't mean you're allowed to further publish it.


Quoting a blog post or something like that would fall under fair use in most copyright laws. For real legal advice you should consult a lawyer in your legal jurisdiction though. In any case, a full reference and attribution to the original source would be good style.

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