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Web Development for Mobile Devices


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I want to develop a small learning website for primary school children. But this should be able to run effectively from a pda or mobile phone. I realise the main thing to take into consideration is the CSS but I want to store some data e.g. exams, test results, user profiles in a db. Can anybody let me know if there is anything else I would need to take into consideration?


Also, maybe a new test would be uploaded each day by a teacher to the server, I need a standard form for doing this that would then be either converted to xml or stored in a db. Is this possible also?



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You could create it as you would any other site and have a full admin/management area where teachers and upload/create tests.  Then you would just need to consider serving all of the data in a small, compact format that would fit well on most phones which have web browsers on them.  I think that an XML format for uploading tests might be a bit too complicated for teachers to learn.  You may want to allow them to create the tests via some sort of app you develop.

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making a site that runs on mobile phones is a waste of time, any reasonable phone can diplay a full web page and no one would realy whant to view it on that anyways, the practicle solution is to use rss feeds which the mobile phone user can subscribe or view, or xml files with xslt which is a step back from rss. what you need is a system like joomla which allows you to install it in 5 mins and then everything can become an rss feed.


if your talking about those old mobile phones which are tiny and there entire screen gets fuilled by a tickbox then forget it your efforts will go to waste you will get it on there no one will use it, i say stick to a web app that allows users to create a question then add answers too it (multiple choice) or a question and mark it as open.


then you can have them log in to answer them and you can serve the results as a web page and xml rss feed dynamicaly generated, you can also email these results or even text message them or even bluetooth them.

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Ok thank you. Well I'm wondering if there is any "mobile phone browser emulator" of sorts available? So I can test how my site would look on a smaller device with restricted resources e.g. cpu etc.


Something like the emulator used by Google Android developers?



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