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About patrickmvi

  • Birthday 06/19/1980

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    Fort Lauderdale, FL

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  1. What is your ultimate goal here? Are you trying to post data from your site onto someone else's site for which you have no access to? If you're using this to try and pass information internally in your site, I would think that this would not be the correct way to do this. Please give a better description as to what you're trying to accomplish.
  2. Try not doing the urldecode. I believe that once the data comes across the $_GET, it is automatically decoded. For example, if you pass "hello%20world" as a get parameter and then echo it on the page, it will echo as "hello world" and not "hello%20world". Your urldecode may be destroying some stuff by decoding things that shouldn't be decoded. I could see a definate issue if for instance you have the "%" char anywhere in your serialized array. Also, you probably don't want to be passing entire arrays of stuff via GET unless you have no other alternative. I would stick to session variables for that sort of thing...
  3. Try this: echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=InsertMC.php?update='.$row['MAINT_ID'].'">'; or echo "<meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" content=\"0; url=InsertMC.php?update=".$row['MAINT_ID']."\">";
  4. Try this? for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($gallery); $i++) { $img_size = filesize("../media/uploads/".$gallery[$i]); if((substr($gallery[$i], 0, 7) == "picture" || substr($gallery[$i], 0, 5) == "photo") && ($img_size >= 20480 && $img_size < 204800)) { echo '<photo imageurl="../media/uploads/'.$gallery[$i].'"><title></title><description></description></photo>'; } }
  5. Try it like this: $sql=mysql_query("select * from event_db where eddate like '".$keyword."%' ORDER BY edate ASC", $con);
  6. You'd probably want to look at preg_replace to do what you're looking to do. You'd need to build a regular expression that would take care of it. You can get more info on preg_replace here: http://www.php.net/preg_replace
  7. I couldn't see how that script is causing an email to be resent 4 hours later...unless what micah is saying is the case. If not, then I would think it would be some sort of issue with your hosting provider and they may be just telling you its your script because they just want to assume that nothing could possibly be wrong with their system.
  8. Substr would be what you'd want to use. It would be used something like this: $str = "1234567890"; $str = substr($str, 0, 5); echo $str; The above would output "12345".
  9. In watsmyname's example above, the first "{" after the if(mysql_num_rows($result)>0) statement is missing.
  10. The mail function simply invokes the sendmail command built in to to most *nix installs. Using an SMTP server like Postfix allows you to set which IP address it uses to send out. What you could do is set up a server like that and then write a script that would go in a cron and change out the outgoing IP every so often.
  11. It's hard to understand what you want to do, I think foo gave some good explanations. If those are off, then what you're explaining must be off...
  12. You need to be a lot more specific if you're going to post an issue on this site. You can't just come on here and say "so, how do I build Google or EBay?" and expect to get a response...
  13. In the code you posted, you're not doing anything to try and strip anything? Perhaps you undid what you had done and posted it beforehand? Can you should what you were doing to try and accomplish your goal?
  14. Try it like this: $var = array('value1','value2'.strtoupper('value3').'value4');
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