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Sorting SQL Query & Sub Queries by date


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Hi I need to sort this query to only select records from between two dates!


Anyone got any idea how to do it?

//mySQL queries
$query = "SELECT Player.MembershipNo, Player.FirstName, Player.LastName, SubSelect.VenueName AS Venue,
  SubSelect.sum_points as Venue_Points, SubSelect.count_results as Venue_Play_Count, SubSelect3.sum_points3 as Total_Points

FROM Player,
(SELECT Player1.MembershipNo, Venue1.VenueName, SUM(Position1.Points) AS sum_points, COUNT(Player1.MembershipNo) AS count_results
    FROM Player Player1, Results Results1, Position Position1, Venue Venue1
   WHERE Player1.MembershipNo = Results1.MembershipNo 
     AND Results1.Position = Position1.Position
     AND Venue1.VenueID = Results1.VenueID
   GROUP BY Player1.MembershipNo, Venue1.VenueID) SubSelect,
(SELECT Player3.MembershipNo, SUM(Position3.Points) AS sum_points3
    FROM Player Player3, Results Results3, Position Position3
   WHERE Player3.MembershipNo = Results3.MembershipNo 
     AND Results3.Position = Position3.Position
   GROUP BY Player3.MembershipNo) SubSelect3

WHERE Player.MembershipNo = SubSelect.MembershipNo
  AND SubSelect.sum_points=(SELECT MAX(SubSelect1.sum_points2)
                              FROM (SELECT Player2.MembershipNo, Venue2.VenueName, SUM(Position2.Points) AS sum_points2
                                      FROM Player Player2, Results Results2, Position Position2, Venue Venue2
                                     WHERE Player2.MembershipNo = Results2.MembershipNo
                                       AND Results2.Position = Position2.Position
                                       AND Venue2.VenueID = Results2.VenueID
                                     GROUP BY Player2.MembershipNo, Venue2.VenueID) SubSelect1
                             WHERE SubSelect1.MembershipNo = SubSelect.MembershipNo)
  AND Player.MembershipNo = SubSelect3.MembershipNo
  AND SubSelect.sum_points >= 750

ORDER BY SubSelect.sum_points DESC"; 


The Date field is held in the Results Table by the way, just in case you needed to know!


The query calculates a players total points in each venue then lists all the players and the venue names of where they score of over 750 points, if the player has more than 750 in multiple venues, it only shows the highest scoring venue.

But now I need it to do this but for specific date periods, so I can show season 1 or season 2 etc..


Thanks in advance

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