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need extended class working by calling itself instead of extender class(es)


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Hey again. I faced a problem again. Here we go.. :


I have main class "core" in file site.php


above in this file, is includes, of other future modules (articles, forums etc...)


There are classes in included files. So I need somehow to extend main class "core" with other 5 or 10 classes in included files, so I can work properly...


It is kind a CMS mini version for me. I tried  :rtfm: - no good :-\


//including all classes in include folder
foreach(glob("*.class.php") as $class_filename) {

//main web site control and output class
class website {
function __construct(){
	//get variables from link
	$pre_link = explode('//', $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']);
	$link = explode('/', $pre_link[1]);

	//remove .html from the end
	foreach ($link as $sub_link => $address){
		$pat = "/html/i";
		if(preg_match($pat, $address)){
			$link[$sub_link] =  str_replace('.html', '', $address);
		//$link[0] = website.com
		//$link[1] = first_variable between "/"..

		//last variable most often index or link for SEO
		$link['last'] = $link[count($link)];
	//deside module of throw error


This is part of core.php file, where is constructor, at this time class contains no more functions...


I need advice how to extend main class without calling extenders, becouse there will be 10 classes who extends main "core" class. Thanks in advance...

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