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Here's my whole code:

$ID= $_SESSION['UserID'];
$ID= mysql_real_escape_string($ID);
echo "Sorry, you must be logged in to view this page.";
$Result1= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID='$ID'");
$Rows1= mysql_fetch_array($Result1);
$Weapon= $Rows1['Weapon'];
$Weapon_Level= $Rows1['Weapon_Level'];
$Weapon_Type= $Rows1['Weapon_Type'];
$Weapon_Name= $Rows1['Weapon'];

echo "Hello, this is the blacksmith. Here you may upgrade or downgrade your weapons. The weapon chosen is the one equipped.<br /><br />";
echo "Sorry, you can not downgrade or upgrade this weapon, because it is only level 1.";
if($Weapon_Level == 5)
$Result1= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID='$ID'");
$Rows1= mysql_fetch_array($Result1);
$Weapon= $Rows1['Weapon'];
$Weapon_Level= $Rows1['Weapon_Level'];
$Weapon_Type= $Rows1['Weapon_Type'];
$Weapon_Name= $Rows1['Weapon'];
	if($Weapon_Name=="Steel Windmill")
	if($Weapon_Name=="Steel Kunai");
	if($Weapon_Name=="Silver Windmill")
	if($Weapon_Name=="Silver Kunai");
	if($Weapon_Name=="Golden Windmill")
	if($Weapon_Name=="Golden Kunai");
		$WeaponName="$WeaponType $Weapon_Name";
		$WeaponName="$WeaponType $Weapon_Name";
		$WeaponName="$WeaponType $Weapon_Name";
		$WeaponName="$WeaponType $Weapon_Name";
	$WNEXP= mysql_real_escape_string($WNEXP);
	$WL= mysql_real_escape_string($WL);
	$WeaponType= mysql_real_escape_string($WeaponType);
	$WeaponName= mysql_real_escape_string($WeaponName);
	$FLR= mysql_real_escape_string($FLR);
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET Weapon_EXP='$WEXP', Weapon_NEXP='$WEXP', Weapon_Boost='$WEXP', Defense_Boost='$WEXP', Weapon_Level='$WEXP', Weapon='$Wep_2' WHERE ID='$ID'");
	mysql_query("INSERT into item_box (Item_NEXP, Item_Level, Item_Type, Item_Type2, Item_Name, Item_LevelR) VALUES('$WNEXP', '$WL', '$WepT2', '$WeaponType', '$WeaponName', '$FLR')");
	echo "Your weapon has been reduced to level one, and has been upgraded to a(n) $WeaponName. Go <a href='blacksmith.php'>back</a>";
	echo "Are you SURE you want to upgrade? You will lose all levels and EXP on the weapon, BUT, you will get a better weapon with a stronger base attack in return.<br /><br />";
$Result1= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID='$ID'")or die(mysql_error());
$Rows1= mysql_fetch_array($Result1) or die(mysql_error());
$Weapon= $Rows1['Weapon'];
$Weapon_Level= $Rows1['Weapon_Level'];
$Weapon_Type= $Rows1['Weapon_Type'];
$Weapon_Name= $Rows1['Weapon'];
	if($Weapon_Name=="Steel Windmill")
	if($Weapon_Name=="Steel Kunai");
	if($Weapon_Name=="Silver Windmill")
	if($Weapon_Name=="Silver Kunai");
	if($Weapon_Name=="Golden Windmill")
	if($Weapon_Name=="Golden Kunai");
	echo "$Weapon_Name $FLR";
	echo "NOTE: The weapon will go into your inventory after upgrading. Your upgraded weapon's required level is: $FLR";
	echo "<br /><form method='post'><input type='submit' name='Submit4' value='Yes'></form>";
echo "Hello, this is the blacksmith. Here you may upgrade or downgrade your weapons. The weapon chosen is the one equipped.<br /><br />";	
	echo "You may upgrade this weapon. If you upgrade this weapon, you'll lose all EXP and levels on the weapon. It will go up one weapon state. The orders are: Regular, Steel, Silver, Gold, Platinum. Platinums can not level, but have a big base attack boost. For every upgrade, you will get a base attack boost. Do you wish to upgrade it?";
	echo "<br /><form method='post'><input type='submit' name='Submit3' value='Upgrade'></form>";
if($Weapon_Level > 1 && $Weapon_Level < 5)
	$WNEXP= mysql_real_escape_string($WNEXP);
	$WL= mysql_real_escape_string($WL);
	mysql_query("UPDATE users SET Weapon_EXP='$WEXP', Weapon_NEXP='$WNEXP', Weapon_Boost='$WEXP', Defense_Boost='$WEXP', Weapon_Level='$WL' WHERE ID='$ID'");
	echo "Your weapon has been reduced to level one. Go <a href='blacksmith.php'>back</a>";
	echo "Are you SURE you want to downgrade? You will lose all levels and EXP on the weapon.";
	echo "<br /><form method='post'><input type='submit' name='Submit2' value='Yes'></form>";
echo "Hello, this is the blacksmith. Here you may upgrade or downgrade your weapons. The weapon chosen is the one equipped.<br /><br />";	
	echo "You may downgrade this weapon. If you downgrade this weapon, you'll lose all EXP and levels on the weapon. It will <b>not</b> lose it's weapon state (Steel, Silver, Gold, Diamond) if it has one. You can ONLY trade/sell a weapon if it is level 1. Do you wish to downgrade it?";
	echo "<br /><form method='post'><input type='submit' name='Submit1' value='Downgrade'></form>";


Here's where you should be looking at:


	if($Weapon_Name=="Steel Windmill")
	if($Weapon_Name=="Steel Kunai");
	if($Weapon_Name=="Silver Windmill")
	if($Weapon_Name=="Silver Kunai");
	if($Weapon_Name=="Golden Windmill")
	if($Weapon_Name=="Golden Kunai");
	echo "$Weapon_Name $FLR";


Now this is weird. It echos it as "Kunai 80" when clearly they dont fall under the same if.

How it did that, I have no clue.


Help, please. If you're wondering why it's all ifs, it's because I get "Unexpected ELSEIF" if they arent"

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Why not use switch statements instead of if blocks?


   switch ($Weapon_Name)
      case "Windmill":
         $FLR = 35;
      case "Kunai":
         $FLR = 20;
         $FLR = 0;

Help, please. If you're wondering why it's all ifs, it's because I get "Unexpected ELSEIF" if they arent"


How about a switch ten? ;)




Can't be used as it exceeds the integer (and possibly float) which means you'll get a negative number for $WNEXP. Use PHP_INT_MAX instead or keep this information db-based.


No, it was just a noob mistake, lol, no errors anymore.


@mmarif: It's funny because I can code very well and don't hit too many errors, but once in a while I pull a noob xD


$ID= $_SESSION['UserID'];
$ID= mysql_real_escape_string($ID);
   echo "Sorry, you must be logged in to view this page.";


should be:

   echo "Sorry, you must be logged in to view this page.";

$ID= $_SESSION['UserID'];
$ID= mysql_real_escape_string($ID);


Because if !isset($_SESSION['UserID']) then $ID= $_SESSION['UserID']; throws an e_notice: undefined index UserID


Use mysql_fetch_assoc() instead of mysql_fetch_array() as it gives you both a numerical as an associative array back or atleast use MYSQL_NUM or MYSQL_ASSOC as a second optional parameter.


Also you pull this information 3 times: $Result1= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID='$ID'"); While $Result1 still holds the information you need and instead of re-using this information you query the db instead.





Can't be used as it exceeds the integer (and possibly float) which means you'll get a negative number for $WNEXP. Use PHP_INT_MAX instead or keep this information db-based.







Not yet ;)

$ID= $_SESSION['UserID'];
$ID= mysql_real_escape_string($ID);
   echo "Sorry, you must be logged in to view this page.";


Works fine, I've never gotten an error. I don't see why it wouldnt, not like it's saying (if(!isset($ID)) which would probably bring an error.


Use mysql_fetch_assoc() instead of mysql_fetch_array() as it gives you both a numerical as an associative array back or atleast use MYSQL_NUM or MYSQL_ASSOC as a second optional parameter.

It doesn't matter for the reasons I use it, I only need fetch_array currently.


Also you pull this information 3 times: $Result1= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID='$ID'"); While $Result1 still holds the information you need and instead of re-using this information you query the db instead.

Yeah, I thought that may have been the reason for the error, and I never got around to editing it out before posting it here.


Also, although 999999999999 is over the max, it just converts it into the max, because I tested it and in the database it says:




So yes, the statement in my signature is still true.




Works fine, I've never gotten an error. I don't see why it wouldnt, not like it's saying (if(!isset($ID)) which would probably bring an error.



ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);


And go to the page as not logged in and you'd get something like: Notice: undefined index 'UserID'. You should always program in a logic manner not first use a variable and afterwards question if it actually even exists?



Use mysql_fetch_assoc() instead of mysql_fetch_array() as it gives you both a numerical as an associative array back or atleast use MYSQL_NUM or MYSQL_ASSOC as a second optional parameter.

It doesn't matter for the reasons I use it, I only need fetch_array currently.


You use the double of memory then is actually required in a small application this may not be a problem however in bigger applications you may consume just that too much memory.



Also you pull this information 3 times: $Result1= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID='$ID'"); While $Result1 still holds the information you need and instead of re-using this information you query the db instead.

Yeah, I thought that may have been the reason for the error, and I never got around to editing it out before posting it here.


Also, although 999999999999 is over the max, it just converts it into the max, because I tested it and in the database it says:



Because PHP chopped it for you to it's maximum integer size (PHP_INT_MAX). In my opinion it's bad practice and if you'll ever work in a bank let me know so I don't deposit there ;) Besides you are creating a game type which is known for his million users with their billion dollar accounts, they may get disappointed when it suddenly drops from 16 billion to 2 billion ;) Have you tought about that?



So yes, the statement in my signature is still true.


I didn't wanted to offend you and it surely shows that you are ambigious about what you do, however modesty is much more appreciated ;) I can say that I'm the #1 programmer however some may disagree (and some will call me a liar, which I probably am :D) ;) HAHA

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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