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In a form, how do i make the page NOT refresh when hitting the "Enter" key after typing in a text box


<form method="post">

<input type="text" name="message">



say i was focused on that text box how do i make it so that when the form is submitted it doesnt refresh the page?



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In a form, how do i make the page NOT refresh when hitting the "Enter" key after typing in a text box


<form method="post">

<input type="text" name="message">



say i was focused on that text box how do i make it so that when the form is submitted it doesnt refresh the page?




this isn't possible, because submitting the form sends a new request to the server and therefore forces a refresh. what exactly are you trying to achieve?

You should use onkeypress event on your form:


onkeypress="isEnter(this, event)


then handle event to check is enter pressed:


function isEnter(obj, evt)
{	var key= new Number;
if (window.event)
{	key = window.event.keyCode;
}	else if(evt)
{	key = evt.which;
}	else
{	return true;
if (key == 13)
	return true;

Just for everybodies benefit ive found a way of doing it thats really easy and simple.


function searchKeyPress(e){
	e = window.event; 
if(e.keyCode == 13){
	// Code to execute


then in your input tag that IS NOT wrapped in <form> tags




Both people who have tried my chat feature were using Firefox and i am using firefox too however it works fine for me. It was on a local server and ive uploaded it to an online server and it works ok, could that of been the problem?


Javascript doesn't depends on server.

The way you are checking pressed key is preferred in IE.

I think, but not 100% sure, that onKeyPress should return value to indicate that handled event.

Anyway look at:




Or submit it to an iframe. The iframe can be hidden with CSS


<iframe name="frame"></iframe>


<form method="post" target="frame">

<input type="text" name="message">



Or, if you don't want the form to submit at all:


<form method="post" onsubmit="return false;">

<input type="text" name="message">


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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