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AJAX PHP Auto logout


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I would like to be helped with AJAX code which will enable me to configure an atuo logout feature in my site such that the user is logged out (after xxmins) regardless of whether the user clicks the page later or not i.e. the user will return and find he has been logged out.


I have already written the PHP code and I dont know enough AJAX to configure the rest. Please assist.



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Thanks dzelenika for your reply,


but the PHP login code involves making correspondent entries into the site's MYSQL database and thus when the auto logout occurs that information must be saved on the database (i.e. time of logout).



Now the PHP code for recording this info is already there, now what I wanted is additional code which will enable the logout to happen automatically without anyone having to click the page i.e. if the user returns, he will find himself logged out.


Thanks again for the reply

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Thanks dzelenika for your reply,


but the PHP login code involves making correspondent entries into the site's MYSQL database and thus when the auto logout occurs that information must be saved on the database (i.e. time of logout).



Now the PHP code for recording this info is already there, now what I wanted is additional code which will enable the logout to happen automatically without anyone having to click the page i.e. if the user returns, he will find himself logged out.


Thanks again for the reply

I think this is what you are looking for:


<script type="text/javascript">
var t=setTimeout("document.location=\"logoutPage.php\"",3600000);

In logoutPage you can log any information or do whatever you want without any click


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that will log him out regardless. you need a way of canceling the timer.


<body onLoad="startTimer();" onMousOver="stopTimer();" onMouseOut="startTimer();">

<!-- Your code -->



and then for the javascript something like


<script type="text/javascript">
var t;
function startTimer(){
t=setTimeout("document.location='logout.php'", 600000);



its just a suggestions, im not actually great with javascript.

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I'm not sure of your code so this might not work, but why not update the time of log out when the user logs in, then make the cookie(s) expire after whatever time you choose?  If the user logs out before the anticipated time, no worries, you just update the table anyway.  If your goal here though is to physically remove their logged in page from the browser, i understand why wouldn't want to do this.

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