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Everything posted by Third_Degree

  1. Yeah, tried all kinds of LIMIT statements, just one record still.
  2. Doing this with a client who won't let me use phpmyadmin, but when i simply do SELECT * FROM `users` everything shows up
  3. I know how to use both mysql_fetch_assoc and mysql_fetch_object, and regardless they should both work. The query is pulling from the right database (there's only one anyway) so the connection isn't the issue. Ugh. Thanks for your help though.
  4. Yeah, I'm not sure, I feel like some MySQL setting on the server is messed up.
  5. Hi guys, I've run into a seemingly strange problem. I am coding a very simple search function looking in just one mysql table, but whenever I use the query "SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `field`='value'" I only get the last record in the table the WHERE statement applies, as opposed to all of them. Does anyone know what could be causing this? Simplified Code: $query = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE `Country`='Australia'" ); print mysql_num_rows($query) . '<br />'; while ( $person = mysql_fetch_object( $query ) ) { print $person->id; } I consistently only get one record, although there are quite a few more than 1 in the db.
  6. Thanks for your interest, but I've decided to switch to flash and everything is now working
  7. Here is the relevant code to my problem. I know it's a lot, and if you don't feel like reading it I understand. <style type="text/css"> #slideshow { width:635px; height:455px; z-index:1; } #main { background-image:url('1.jpg'); width:635px; height:360px; z-index:2; } #placehold { background-color:transparent; height:300px; z-index:3; } .placeholdthumb { background-color:transparent; height:49px; z-index:5; } .captionthumb { height:16px; background-color:black; color:white; text-align:center; font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size:14px; opacity:0.7; filter:alpha(opacity=70); cursor:pointer; } #caption { background-image:url('captbg.gif'); background-repeat:no-repeat; color:white; font-size:16px; font-weight:bold; opacity:0.8; filter:alpha(opacity=80); height:50px; z-index:3; font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; padding-left:11px; } #roll { text-align:center; line-height:11px; width:635px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; background-image:url('rollbg.png'); height:95px; z-index:2; } .piccell { padding:3px; line-height:normal; } </style> <div id="slideshow"> <div id="main"> <div id="placehold"> </div> <div id="caption"> <table height="100%" width="100%"> <tr><td style="width:80%;padding-left:5px;"><span id="captiontext">This is a caption</span></td><td style="width:20%"><img src="images/searchHv_btn.gif" alt="Search" /></td></tr> </table> </div> </div> <div id="roll"> <br /> <center> <table><tr> <td class="piccell"><div id="1" alt="Caption1" style="width:95px;height:65px;border:1px solid #222;opacity:0.5;filter:alpha(opacity=50);background-Image:url('1thumb.jpg');cursor:pointer" onmouseover="highlight('1');" onmouseout="unhighlightcondition('1');" onclick="selectpic('1');"> <div class="placeholdthumb" id="place1"></div><div class="captionthumb" id="1thumb"></div></div></td> <td class="piccell"><div id="2" alt="Caption2" style="width:95px;height:65px;border:1px solid #222;opacity:0.5;filter:alpha(opacity=50);background-Image:url('2thumb.jpg');cursor:pointer" onmouseover="highlight('2');" onmouseout="unhighlightcondition('2');" onclick="selectpic('2');"> <div class="placeholdthumb" id="place2"></div><div class="captionthumb" id="2thumb"></div></div></td> <td class="piccell"><div id="3" alt="Caption3" style="width:95px;height:65px;border:1px solid #222;opacity:0.5;filter:alpha(opacity=50);background-Image:url('3thumb.jpg');cursor:pointer" onmouseover="highlight('3');" onmouseout="unhighlightcondition('3');" onclick="selectpic('3');"> <div class="placeholdthumb" id="place3"></div><div class="captionthumb" id="3thumb"></div></div></td> <td class="piccell"><div id="4" alt="Caption4" style="width:95px;height:65px;border:1px solid #222;opacity:0.5;filter:alpha(opacity=50);background-Image:url('4thumb.jpg');cursor:pointer" onmouseover="highlight('4');" onmouseout="unhighlightcondition('4');" onclick="selectpic('4');"> <div class="placeholdthumb" id="place4"></div><div class="captionthumb" id="4thumb"></div></div></td> <td class="piccell"><div id="5" alt="Caption5" style="width:95px;height:65px;border:1px solid #222;opacity:0.5;filter:alpha(opacity=50);background-Image:url('5thumb.jpg');cursor:pointer" onmouseover="highlight('5');" onmouseout="unhighlightcondition('5');" onclick="selectpic('5');"> <div class="placeholdthumb" id="place5"></div><div class="captionthumb" id="5thumb"></div></div></td> <td class="piccell"><div id="6" alt="Caption6" style="width:95px;height:65px;border:1px solid #222;opacity:0.5;filter:alpha(opacity=50);background-Image:url('6thumb.jpg');cursor:pointer" onmouseover="highlight('6');" onmouseout="unhighlightcondition('6');" onclick="selectpic('6');"> <div class="placeholdthumb" id="place6"></div><div class="captionthumb" id="6thumb"></div></div></td> </tr></table> </center> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> captions = new Array( ); captions[0] = ''; captions[1] = 'Mountain'; captions[2] = 'Cat'; captions[3] = 'Frog on Lily Pads'; captions[4] = 'The Lake at Night'; captions[5] = 'Red Rose'; captions[6] = 'Dog'; descriptions = new Array( ); descriptions[0] = ''; descriptions[1] = 'This is a description of the Mountain'; descriptions[2] = 'This is a description of the cat'; descriptions[3] = 'This is a description of the Frog on Lily Pads'; descriptions[4] = 'This is a description of the The Lake at Night'; descriptions[5] = 'This is a description of the Red Rose'; descriptions[6] = 'This is a description of the Dog'; function highlight( id ) { var captdiv = id+"thumb"; var placediv = "place"+id; document.getElementById(placediv).style.height = '35px'; document.getElementById(captdiv).style.height = '30px'; document.getElementById(captdiv).style.fontSize = '12px'; document.getElementById(captdiv).innerHTML = captions[id]; if ( navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ) { document.getElementById(id).filters.alpha.opacity = 100; } else { document.getElementById(id).style.opacity = 1; } } function unhighlight( id ) { var captdiv = id+"thumb"; var placediv = "place"+id; document.getElementById(placediv).style.height = '49px'; document.getElementById(captdiv).style.height = '16px'; document.getElementById(captdiv).style.fontSize = '14px'; document.getElementById(captdiv).innerHTML = captions[id].substr( 0,6 )+'...'; if ( navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ) { document.getElementById(id).filters.alpha.opacity = 50; } else { document.getElementById(id).style.opacity = 0.5; } document.getElementById(id).style.border = '1px solid #222'; } function unhighlightcondition( id ) { var up = document.getElementById("main").style.backgroundImage; if ( up.length > 8 ) { var idx = up.charAt(up.length - 6); } else { var idx = up.charAt(4); } if ( idx == id ) { return true; } else { var captdiv = id+"thumb"; document.getElementById(captdiv).style.fontSize = '14px'; document.getElementById(captdiv).innerHTML = captions[id].substr( 0,6 )+'...'; var placediv = "place"+id; document.getElementById(placediv).style.height = '49px'; document.getElementById(captdiv).style.height = '16px'; if ( navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ) { document.getElementById(id).filters.alpha.opacity = 50; } else { document.getElementById(id).style.opacity = 0.5; } document.getElementById(id).style.border = '1px solid #222'; } } function switchpic( pic ) { document.getElementById("main").style.backgroundImage = "url("+pic+".jpg)"; document.getElementById(pic).style.border = '1px solid white'; } function captiontext(text) { document.getElementById("captiontext").innerHTML = captions[text]+"<br /><span style='font-size:12px;font-weight:normal'>"+descriptions[text]+"</span>"; } function selectpic( pic,text ) { var list = new Array(); switch( pic ) { case '1': list[0] = '2'; list[1] = '3'; list[2] = '4'; list[3] = '5'; list[4] = '6'; break; case '2': list[0] = '1'; list[1] = '3'; list[2] = '4'; list[3] = '5'; list[4] = '6'; break; case '3': list[0] = '2'; list[1] = '1'; list[2] = '4'; list[3] = '5'; list[4] = '6'; break; case '4': list[0] = '2'; list[1] = '3'; list[2] = '1'; list[3] = '5'; list[4] = '6'; break; case '5': list[0] = '2'; list[1] = '3'; list[2] = '4'; list[3] = '1'; list[4] = '6'; break; case '6': list[0] = '2'; list[1] = '3'; list[2] = '4'; list[3] = '5'; list[4] = '1'; break; } for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { unhighlight(list[i]); } switchpic(pic); captiontext(pic); clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout( "cycle()", 5000 ); } function cycle( ) { var numb = 1; var current = document.getElementById("main").style.backgroundImage; if ( current.length < 8 ) { if ( current != '' && current != "url(6.jpg)" ) { var numb = current.charAt(4); var numb = parseInt(numb) + 1; } } else { if ( current != '' ) { var numb = current.charAt(current.length - 6); var numb = parseInt(numb) + 1; if ( numb == 7 ) { numb = 1; } } } var onumb = ( numb - 1 != 0 ) ? numb - 1 : 6; switchpic(numb); captiontext(numb); highlight(numb); unhighlight(onumb); timeout = setTimeout( "cycle()", 5000 ); } function start( ) { for ( i = 1; i < 7; i++ ) { var div = i+"thumb"; document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = captions[i].substr( 0,6 )+'...'; } cycle( ); } onload = function ( ){ start( ) }; </script> As it stands now, the captions on highlighted pictures simply get larger in an instant. However, this is not good enough for my brother (my non-paying client...). I've tried all manner of increment the height and width of the placediv and captdiv elements with setInterval and setTimeout, but to no avail. This is basically a shameless ask for help. Could someone show me what I need to do in order to have the captions slide up/down?
  8. XAMPP maybe? http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html
  9. Who said being nerdy wasn't cool? I'm proud to include myself among those who understand this most awesome bit of funny.
  10. yeah, fastest way I'd say is just to have an activation field in the users table. Fill it with a random code that will be verified via two GET variables (id and code) sent in an email, and then change the field to "y" or 1, or something. Then on the activation page, if anyone ever passes the same id variable with the activation field equalling "y" or 1, shoot them a header with an expired date.
  11. Ben speaks the truth. If your images are massive, yeah, it'd be better to resize them to thumbnail size either manually or automatically, search "php image resize" on google. As for filetype(), my bad, he's right it's rather useless in this context, I was speaking from memory, and I guess it failed me :-\. http://www.php.net/glob will probably do you well. If you're lucky, someone will throw some code at you in this thread, but in the future, don't rely on it. The best help is help that you need to take and apply to your goal.
  12. Well, for #1, use the function filetype() for #2, #3, HTML, not PHP, will solve your problems.
  13. ok, divide the number of results by three, then change the $i + 1 and $i + 2 to $i + (total/3) and $i + 2(total/3), and increment by 1.
  14. knew my use of quotes would be attacked, it was a figure of speech?? :-\ it just meant that there's nothing wrong with sending multiple request types to the server
  15. no, <tr><td><?= $results[$i]; ?></td><td><?= $results[$i + 1]; ?></td><td><?= $results[$i + 2]; ?></td></tr>
  16. uh guys, PFMaBiSmAd got it right, the point of these two lines of code is to send post data and only process that postdata if the get variable specified in the action attribute exists. End of story. You're not "confusing" the server at all.
  17. I'm having trouble animating a size change of two divs simultaneously. Has anyone ever experienced problems with multiple setTimeouts in series? Here is my current code: while ( h < 8 ) { setTimeout( "document.getElementById(placediv).style.height = (49 - (h * 2))+'px'", 500); setTimeout( "document.getElementById(captdiv).style.height = (16 + (h * 2))+'px'", 500 ); h += 1; } all variables are defined, and when I run the execution lines without a timer, they work fine. I've also tried getting rid of the for loop, and writing all the timed changes separately but they don't work either. Any help?
  18. Make an array with all the results, then use a for loop to go through by threes. Add a check to see if its the last row, and figure out the remainder, and output the last row as either one, two, or three cells. Sorry, I don't have the time to code it out for you right now.
  19. If you look at my sig, you'll know I'm no stranger to errors like that
  20. kickassamd+ vineld + Crayon Violent = preg_match_all( "/<link>(.*?)</link>/", $str, $matches );
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