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Hi everybody,


For the last few days I have been reading about Etags. In some articles they highly recommend to use Etags but in some not. So I am confused and I'll ask for your help.


First, I'm using Apache server and for now one server is enough to serve my content.

I've already using expire headers for images, css and js files.


So my question is, should I remove Etags or configure it properly so that it works with expire headers properly? And if I'm gonna use it how do I configure it? From htaccess or from php? Cause in Yslow it says I have x misconfigured Etags.



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Use it in htaccess


Header unset ETag
FileETag None


I have a share host but my pages load faster than a dedicated server.


Etags wont speed it up much, theres 15 or so things you can do to cut 95% of loading time from your pages


Some are :


flush(); //will "flush" your tables and divs first and load content later

strip //remove all whitespace

Cache //see my post in above in htacces tricks sticky

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