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Hi im trying to setup a form, what i need it to do is at the end tally up all the choices off a, b or c for each question and then display.


Your choose mostly: A

Your choose mostly: B

Your choose mostly: C


This is where i am so far im new to php can someone help me please?




<style type="text/css">


p.head {


font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;







<form method="POST" action="">


<p class="head">How often do you launch a new product or service?</p>

<input type="radio" name="group1" id="1a" value="a" />A) Every year we launch new products – most of our growth comes from these. <br/>

<input type="radio" name="group1" id="1b" value="b" />B) It’s been a long time, but customers are happy with the products we have in our range. <br/>

<input type="radio" name="group1" id="1c" value="c" />C) We concentrate on keeping prices down, there’s too much competition out there.<br/>



<p class="head">Are there any new markets you could sell to?</p>

<input type="radio" name="group2" id="2a" value="a" />A) A. Yes, we’re discovering lots of new application for our products & services, especially export markets. <br/>

<input type="radio" name="group2" id="2b" value="b" />B) B. I’m looking at collaborating with other companies to get into new markets. <br/>

<input type="radio" name="group2" id="2c" value="c" />C) C. All my time is taken up defending our position and keeping the customers we have. </p>


<p class="head">How do you win new customers?</p>

<input type="radio" name="group3" id="3a" value="a" />A) A. Our products and services are unique – people tell us we are the number-one supplier. <br/>

<input type="radio" name="group3" id="3b" value="b" />B) B. We follow-up every quotation to find out who won the business, <br/>

<input type="radio" name="group3" id="3c" value="c" />C) C. We lost a big customer recently, and I need to work out how to replace those sales




<p><input type="submit" name="submit"> </p>




//The variables from the form in the previous page collected here:







//"select1" and "R1" are the names of form elements


//the values of the form elements are given to these variables


//and we show them below:



echo "You chose mostly: ".$rad."<br>";







Its only giving me the result of the lest group as i said im new to php do i need to run an array through the questions?

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$chosen_most = array('a' => 0, 'b' => 0, 'c' => 0);
if (!empty($_POST)) {//an answer has been posted
    switch ($answer) {
        case 'a':
        case 'b':
        case 'c':

echo 'You chose mostly: ', array_shift(array_keys($chosen_most));

You could do something like this:


$most_chosen_arr = array();

for($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++)
$most_chosen_arr[$_POST["group" . $i]]++;


$most_chosen = key($most_chosen_arr);

echo "You chose mostly: ".$most_chosen."<br>";

You could do something like this:


$most_chosen_arr[$_POST["group" . $i]]++;


Will throw Notice: undefined index 'a'. $most_chosen_arr[$_POST["group" . $i]]++ will receive the value null on which you perform an integer operation (++) which results in 1. This fixes this problem:


if (!isset($most_chosen_arr[$_POST['group' . $i]])) {

    $most_chosen_arr[$_POST['group' . $i]] = 1;

} else {

    $most_chosen_arr[$_POST['group' . $i]]++;



Hey guys thanks for the quick response amazing.


don't suppose you could talk me through this is actually doing please, just for future reference.


The only extra thing i need to include is when it says you have choosen mostly a i need to assign a paragraph of text to each letter.


example :


you have choosen mostly a :


Mostly As: Congratulations - Your business is in good shape. Your people enjoy coming to work and are proud of the organisation. Their day-to-day activities are linked to your objectives. Managers are effective and people believe their contribution is valued. Competitors have a tough time keeping up with you.


Can i assign this with a variable and the text reference the variable with an if else statement.


if ( $a )


Mostly As: Congratulations - Your business is in good shape. Your people enjoy coming to work and are      proud of the organisation. Their day-to-day activities are linked to your objectives. Managers are effective and people believe their contribution is valued. Competitors have a tough time keeping up with you.


else ( $b )


Mostly Bs:  Well done – you passed the MOT. You have most areas under control and you understand the value that good operation in all departments can add to your business, however , but there are a couple of things that need your attention before they cause a problem.


else ( $c )


Mostly Cs: There are quite a few issues you need to look at in order to pass an MOT. Fortunately there is plenty of support available, and some simple tools and techniques that could give you a few “early wins” to get the organisation back on track



i know this is really rough but is this they best way to do it or is a switch statement better.


Sorry if im being dull still learning.


Thanks in advance


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