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if in a where


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Why doesn't tis work???



$page_title = mysql_query("select * from category where id='".intval($_GET['c'])."' ");
while($title = mysql_fetch_assoc($page_title))
if ($title['sub_cat'] == 0){
	echo"<div style=\"color:#A00201; font-style:italic; padding-top:5px;; font-size:22px; font-weight:bold;\">".$title['long_name']."<hr /></div>";
	$sub_title = mysql_query("select * from category_sub where cat_id='".$title['id']."' ") or die(mysql_error());
	while($stitle = mysql_fetch_assoc($sub_title));
		echo"<div style=\"color:#A00201; font-style:italic; padding-top:5px;; font-size:22px; font-weight:bold;\">".$stitle['sub_name']."TEST<hr /></div>";



Its driving me mad!!!

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Not sure but maybe it is that you are using the same variable in both while loops ($title)? Like gevans mentioned we need more information... how does it not work, what should happen and what happens..  crystal ball is under maintenance atm.

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One loop is $title the other is $stitle


I have narrowed it down and this doesn't even work...


- I am checking a row in the DB for zero or one.

- if it's 0 it should display a div.

- else it should display the other div.


I am sure the tables are setup right because if I change:


$title['sub_cat'] == 0 - TO - $title['sub_cat'] == 1


It displays the TEST but not the other...


$page_title = mysql_query("select * from category where id='".intval($_GET['c'])."' ");
while($title = mysql_fetch_assoc($page_title))
if ($title['sub_cat'] == 0){ // ZERO CHECK




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What you could do is echo out the query (or queries) and try it/them from some SQL prog or SQL command line and see if the results are what you expect them to are. It smells like $title['sub_cat'] is not containing the information you think it is. Also you can var_dump variables to see what they hold inside.

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