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PHP Search Form Script Help!?!?


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Hello guys. I am a web designer who is now trying to learn some php. I have this search form script that I put together from tutorials and asking a question or two. Now I am stuck and I can't seem to get this thing to work. The search itself works and returns the number of results just fine (e.g. 3 results found). My problem is that it isn't displaying the actual results in the table columns like I want it to. I have a specifically designed table (with a div around it) that I need to output with 1 result in 3 of the columns (the table has a total of 5 columns, but 2 are just visual spacers). after 3 results have been displayed then I want that same table output on the next "line" with three more results, etc... until I set the number to begin display paging (the paging isn't in the script yet). I have included an example of what I am trying to get my HTML code to display and the actual PHP script itself. Any help given would be awesome as I have been doing this :facewall: for the past 3 days.


<div id="search_number_found">3 Results found.</div>

<div class="contain">
    <div class='my_class'>
       <table width='639' border='0' align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
              <td width='197' height='270' align='left' valign='top'>search result</td>
              <td width='23'></td>
              <td width='197' align='center' valign='top'>search result</td>
              <td width='21'></td>
              <td width='199' align='right' valign='top'>search result</td>
    <div class='my_class'>
       <table width='639' border='0' align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
              <td width='197' height='270' align='left' valign='top'>search result</td>
              <td width='23'></td>
              <td width='197' align='center' valign='top'>search result</td>
              <td width='21'></td>
              <td width='199' align='right' valign='top'>search result</td>
    <div class='my_class'>
       <table width='639' border='0' align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
              <td width='197' height='270' align='left' valign='top'>search result</td>
              <td width='23'></td>
              <td width='197' align='center' valign='top'>search result</td>
              <td width='21'></td>
              <td width='199' align='right' valign='top'>search result</td>



//get data
$button = @$_GET['submit'];
$search = @$_GET['search'];

if (!$button)
$search_1 = "No button clicked: <span class='search_string_text'>$search</span>";
$search_2 = "<div id='message'>Please type keyword, click the search button.</div>";
    if (strlen($search)<=2)
    $search_1 = "No button clicked: <span class='search_string_text'>$search</span>";
$search_2 = "<div id='message'>Please type keyword, click the search button.</div>";
        $search_1 = "SEARCH RESULTS FOR: <span class='search_string_text'>$search</span>";
        //connect to database
        $con = mysql_connect("localhost", dfsfdsffd, sdfsdfdsf);
        if (!$con)
        header('Location: http://localhost:/report.php');
            //explode search term
            $search_exploded = explode(" ",$search);
            foreach($search_exploded as $search_each)

            //construct query
            if ($x==1)
                @$construct .= "keywords LIKE '%$search_each%'";
                @$construct .= "OR keywords LIKE '%$search_each%'";        
        //echo out construct        
        $construct = "SELECT * FROM searchengine WHERE $construct";
        $run = mysql_query($construct);
        $foundnum = mysql_num_rows($run);
        if ($foundnum==0)
        $search_info = "<div id='message'>Sorry, no results.</div>";
            $search_number_found = "<div id='search_number_found'>$foundnum Product(s) found.</div>";
// fetch results
$results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'searchengine'");

// find how many results there are
$total_results = mysql_num_rows($results);

// user specifies column count
$num_cols = 3;

// calculate row count
$num_rows = ceil($total_results / $num_cols);

// initialise variable
$output_html = '';

// loop through rows
for($row = 0; $row < $num_rows; $row++)
    // output table (or just <tr>'s if you prefer)
    $output_html .= "<div class='my_class'>";
    $output_html .= "<table>";
    $output_html .= "<tr>";
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' height='270' align='left' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='23'></td>";    
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' align='center' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='21'></td>";
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='199' align='right' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    // output table (or row) footer
    $output_html .= "</tr>";
    $output_html .= "</table>";  
    $output_html .= "</div>";  

// parse an individual row
function get_stuff($row)
    // check if mysql_fetch_assoc failed (there's no results left)
    if($row != FALSE)
            $info = $row['info'];
            $title = $row['title'];
            $desc = $row['description'];
            $url = $row['url'];
        $stuff = "<div class='container'><div class='container2'>$info, $title, $desc, $url</div></div>";
        $stuff = " ";
    return $stuff;

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Okay so the results are not displayed like you want it to?

So you mean that it is not displayed at all?


If so, then try to echo $stuff.


Such as replacing this:

    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' height='270' align='left' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='23'></td>";    
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' align='center' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='21'></td>";
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='199' align='right' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";



    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    echo $stuff;
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' height='270' align='left' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='23'></td>";    
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    echo $stuff;
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' align='center' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='21'></td>";
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    echo $stuff;
    $output_html .= "<td width='199' align='right' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";


Or maybe I have it wrong?

Anyway, hope I helped and did not make any mistakes.

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Okay so the results are not displayed like you want it to?

So you mean that it is not displayed at all?


If so, then try to echo $stuff.


Such as replacing this:

    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' height='270' align='left' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='23'></td>";    
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' align='center' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='21'></td>";
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='199' align='right' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";



    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    echo $stuff;
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' height='270' align='left' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='23'></td>";    
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    echo $stuff;
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' align='center' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='21'></td>";
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    echo $stuff;
    $output_html .= "<td width='199' align='right' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";


Or maybe I have it wrong?

Anyway, hope I helped and did not make any mistakes.


Thank you for your response. I forgot to add that I have a div in my HTML that is echoing $output_html like this:


<div class="contain"><?php echo $output_html; ?></div>


There is definitely something wrong with the part of the script where the: // fetch results portion begins because everything else in my script works fine and echoes like it should. It's just not displaying the search results at all when I try to place them in the formatted table that I created. Sorry for the confusion.

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I'd say you're query is failing;


            if ($x==1)
                @$construct .= "keywords LIKE '%$search_each%'";
                @$construct .= "OR keywords LIKE '%$search_each%'";        


should be


            if ($x==1)
                @$construct .= "keywords LIKE '%$search_each%' ";
                @$construct .= "OR keywords LIKE '%$search_each%' ";        


echo $construct and post what it does, before and after change. You should also be checking if the query was succefull or not in your script

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I'd say you're query is failing;


            if ($x==1)
                @$construct .= "keywords LIKE '%$search_each%'";
                @$construct .= "OR keywords LIKE '%$search_each%'";        


should be


            if ($x==1)
                @$construct .= "keywords LIKE '%$search_each%' ";
                @$construct .= "OR keywords LIKE '%$search_each%' ";        


echo $construct and post what it does, before and after change. You should also be checking if the query was succefull or not in your script


Thanks for the reply but I don't think that's the problem, my script works fine until the code below the: // fetch results line begins, because everything else in my script works and echoes like it should. It's just not displaying the search results at all when I try to place them in the formatted table that I created.

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Hello again,

I don't think you should be querying a query. Unless I'm wrong,


This part,

    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' height='270' align='left' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='23'></td>";   
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' align='center' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='21'></td>";
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='199' align='right' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";


Should be:

    $stuff = get_stuff($results);
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' height='270' align='left' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='23'></td>";   
    $stuff = get_stuff($results);
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' align='center' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='21'></td>";
    $stuff = get_stuff($results);
    $output_html .= "<td width='199' align='right' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";


Since you have already done a query at:

// fetch results
$results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'searchengine'");


Hope it helps.

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Hello again,

I don't think you should be querying a query. Unless I'm wrong,


This part,

    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' height='270' align='left' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='23'></td>";   
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' align='center' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='21'></td>";
    $stuff = get_stuff(mysql_query($results));
    $output_html .= "<td width='199' align='right' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";


Should be:

    $stuff = get_stuff($results);
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' height='270' align='left' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='23'></td>";   
    $stuff = get_stuff($results);
    $output_html .= "<td width='197' align='center' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";
    $output_html .= "<td width='21'></td>";
    $stuff = get_stuff($results);
    $output_html .= "<td width='199' align='right' valign='top'>$stuff</td>";


Since you have already done a query at:

// fetch results
$results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'searchengine'");


Hope it helps.


Ok I will look at this, also does this query:// fetch results $results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'searchengine'"); cause issues with construct query right above it?

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Normally, no.


Since a query is a demand for something.


So in the piece of code that I attempted to correct had a demand for a demand for something, which doesn't make any sense.


And simply the $construct variable is not the same as the $results variable.

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Normally, no.


Since a query is a demand for something.


So in the piece of code that I attempted to correct had a demand for a demand for something, which doesn't make any sense.


And simply the $construct variable is not the same as the $results variable.


Thanks for the help. I tried what you said but it still didn't display the actual results. Again, everything above this line: // fetch results $results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'searchengine'"); displays and works just as it should, but removing the mysql_query text didn't make my results display. Any other suggestions? Thanks again for your help.

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Try removing those single quotes...



// fetch results
$results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'searchengine'");



$results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM searchengine");


When I do that my entire screen goes blank and none of my code gets echoed at all.

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Have you tried echoing the queries before you run them and make sure that they containt what you want them to contain? Also you have not declared $construct anywhere before you start concencating it with the LIKE clauses. You should also remove all '@' marks in front of everything to make sure they don't hide errors and also make sure you have error reporting on. Because I think atleast it will throw a notice or warning about the $construct and this variable does not work.

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Have you tried echoing the queries before you run them and make sure that they containt what you want them to contain? Also you have not declared $construct anywhere before you start concencating it with the LIKE clauses. You should also remove all '@' marks in front of everything to make sure they don't hide errors and also make sure you have error reporting on. Because I think atleast it will throw a notice or warning about the $construct and this variable does not work.


I haven't tried echoing the queries for the search results, but the $construct query does work because it displays the information from that query just as it should, I have tested that many times. My issues only start when I introduce the code from the: // fetch results $results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'searchengine'"); line down, the code underneath that line is what isn't displaying at all.

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So do you have error reporting on and you removed the '@'s ? And you can add to every mysql operation to show mysql errorin case there is errors to see what possibly went wrong (it will give you reason also).

mysql_query($someSql) or die (mysql_error());


See if anything pops up..

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