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Using Variables from different code blocks


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I was wondering if it was possible to use variables defined in different code blocks. IE would the following work:


my_var = "Test Data";

//some html or something

obviously my implementation is far more complicated. I use PHP and echo javascript so I can build a javascript array with the same data as a php array. The code that does this looks like this:
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
echo "full_array = new Array();\n";
echo "full_array[0] = new Array(7);\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($full_array); $i++){
echo "full_array[$i][0] = " . $full_array[$i][0] . ";\n";
echo "full_array[$i][1] = " . $full_array[$i][1] . ";\n";
echo "full_array[$i][2] = " . $full_array[$i][2] . ";\n";
echo "full_array[$i][3] = " . $full_array[$i][3] . ";\n";
echo "full_array[$i][4] = " . $full_array[$i][4] . ";\n";
echo "full_array[$i][5] = " . $full_array[$i][5] . ";\n";
echo "full_array[$i][6] = " . $full_array[$i][6] . ";\n";

echo "</script>";


when I try to use the full_array var in one of my functions, it shows as undefined. Am I doing this right? Is my Javascript code wrong? I am far more adept at PHP than Javascript, so I think I am doing something stupidly wrong with javascript. Anyone have any ideas?[/code]

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You're mixing your php and javascript. they need to be kept seperate


for ($i = 0; $i < count($full_array); $i++){


There you're trying to count what will be a javascript client-side array with php


well, my JS array and PHP array are the same size. They are the same exact array actually, and thats how I iterate through my PHP array so I can assign the correct values to my JS array. I'm assuming this is wrong, How should it be done. I've done a few google searches on this, and most of the links I have found say to do it this way.

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yeah sure, but there isn't much else, just building my array from a data base. I am afraid I have a different problem than I first thought. Let me explain what I am trying to do first, bear with me.


I take data from a database, and populate a 2d PHP array with it. via the following:


$tot_perc = 0;
$count = 0;
$full_array = null;
while (OCIFetchInto($do, $results, OCI_ASSOC)){
            $r = $results;

            $threshold = 70;
            $style = "";
            if ($r[COUNT_ALL] == 0){
                    $percent = 0;
                    $percent = number_format($percent, 0);
            else {
                $percent = $r[COUNT_POPULATED] / $r[COUNT_ALL];
                $percent *= 100;
                $percent = number_format($percent, 0);

            if ($percent < $threshold){
                $style = "style='background-color:#FF0000'";
            else if ($percent > $treshold && $percent <= 89){
                $style = "style='background-color:#FFFF00'";
            else if ($percent > 89){
                $style = "style='background-color:#00FF00'";

            $temp_array = array($r[ORG_ID], $r[TABLE_NAME], $r[FIELD_NAME], $r[COUNT_ALL], $r[COUNT_POPULATED], $percent, $style);
            if ($full_array == null){
                $full_array = array($temp_array);
            else {
                array_push($full_array, $temp_array);

            $tot_perc += $percent;


the query and execution of the query has been left out, but its just a simple oracle database query that does indeed work and get the correct information.


What I want to do is create a button that populates a table I have with the information from the array. Since I can only build the array with PHP, and can only dynamically add stuff to a table with javascript, I am faced with the issue of having both of them talk to each other.


I am able to build a 2-d javascript array correctly, with the correct data with the following code:


echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
echo "full_array = new Array();\n";

for ($i = 0; $i < count($full_array); $i++){
echo "full_array[$i] = new Array(7);\n";
echo "full_array[$i][0] = " . "\"" . $full_array[$i][0] . "\"" . ";\n";
echo "full_array[$i][1] = " . "\"" . $full_array[$i][1] . "\"" . ";\n";
echo "full_array[$i][2] = " . "\"" . $full_array[$i][2] . "\"" . ";\n";
echo "full_array[$i][3] = " . "\"" . $full_array[$i][3] . "\"" . ";\n";
echo "full_array[$i][4] = " . "\"" . $full_array[$i][4] . "\"" . ";\n";
echo "full_array[$i][5] = " . "\"" . $full_array[$i][5] . "\"" . ";\n";
echo "full_array[$i][6] = " . "\"" . $full_array[$i][6] . "\"" . ";\n";

echo "</script>";


What I am having trouble with is a function that takes that array, and creates the table data. Currently my function looks like the following:


function fill_table(){
	var k = 1;
	string = ""
	for(i = 0; i < full_array.length; i++){
            string += "<tr>";
		string +=  "<td>" + (i + 1) + "</td>";
            string +=  "<td>";
            string +=  full_array[i][0];
            string +=  "</td>";

            string +=  "<td>";
            string +=  full_array[i][1];
            string +=  "</td>";

            string +=  "<td>";
            string +=  full_array[i][2];
            string +=  "</td>";

            string +=  "<td>";
            string +=  full_array[i][3];
            string +=  "</td>";

            string +=  "<td>";
            string +=  full_array[i][4];
            string +=  "</td>";
            string +=  "<td full_array[i][6]>";
            string +=  full_array[i][5] + "%";
            string +=  "</td>";

            string +=  "</tr>";

	div = document.getElementById("data");//the id of the div tag with the table
	div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML + string;//SHOULD fill out the table. does not



when the page begins, the following is already in the "data" div tag (i create it with php, I'm not sure why i didn't just write straight html, but its already working so...)


echo "<div id=\"data\">";
echo "<table border='1'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>Row #</td>";
echo "<td>ORG_ID</td>";
echo "<td>";
echo "TABLE_NAME";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
echo "FIELD_NAME";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
echo "COUNT_ALL";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
echo "Percentage";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";



What currently happens, is that the function does write the information from the array into the div tag, but it doesn't continue the table. the output looks like:


[column name][column][column][etc][etc][etc]

a string of the data from the array, not seperated into columns. just static text that has a rather strange format



I am not sure what the problem is with my javascript or PHP.


Edit: Note, When I do a call to the JS alert function, and alert the string variable from the fill_table() function, it does output the correct information, with the HTML tags and all. Is there a problem with the innerHTML method that I am missing? That seems to be the only part that doesn't work


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