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Button not working..


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it just displays "you have not pressed add yet" .. when i press the add button nothing happens. Its supposed to echo the form.  Any idea why?





$add = $_GET['add'];

echo "<p align='right'><input type='submit' name='add' value='add'></p>";


if ($_SESSION['username']){



$stacks[0] = "

<font color=white>Welcome, ".$_SESSION['username']."!<br><a href='Logout.php'>Log Out</a></font>

<form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='insert.php' method='post' name='changer'>

<p align='center'>

<input name='image' value='image' type='text'> <br>

<input type='text' name='hyperlink'value='hyperlink'> <br>

<input type='text' name='currency' value='currency'> <br>

<input type='text' name='name' value='name'> <br>

<input type='text' name='info' value='info'> <br>

<input type='text' name='keywords' value='keywords'> <br>

<input type='text' name='type' value='type'> <br>

<input type='submit' value='Submit'><br></p>";

} else {

$stacks[0] = "you have not pressed add yet.";



} else {


$stacks[0] = "You must be logged in!";




echo $stacks[0];






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What does the "Add" submit button do? I don't see any form tags around it. Are you trying to pass a GET variable with it?

Mate, where the $_SESSION['username'] coming from? have you passed it from some other pages? 

See if this help you




$add = $_POST['add'];


if ($_POST['username'] != '' && $_POST['password'] != '') {

foreach ($_POST as $key => $val){

$_SESSION[$key] = $val;





<p align='right'>

<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">

    Username<input type="text" name="username" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['username']; ?>" >

        Password<input type="password" name="password" value="" >

        <input type="hidden" name="add" value="add" >

        <input type='submit' value='GO'>




if ($_SESSION['username']){


  $stacks[0] = "

      <font color=white>Welcome, ".$_SESSION['username']."!<br><a href='Logout.php'>Log Out</a></font>

      <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='insert.php' method='post' name='changer'>

      <p align='center'>

      <input name='image' value='image' type='text'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='hyperlink'value='hyperlink'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='currency' value='currency'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='name' value='name'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='info' value='info'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='keywords' value='keywords'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='type' value='type'> <br>

      <input type='submit' value='Submit'><br></p>";

  } else {

      $stacks[0] = "you have not pressed add yet.";


} else {


  $stacks[0] = "You must be logged in!";




echo $stacks[0];



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thx for reply, not exactly what i'm looking for.  I want to be able to add multiple stack of input fields on the press of an add button. Your code put a login form at the top and then when pressing the button GO.  The input fields appeared.


So i need to put the button Add in a form.  Its on the same page so shall the method be 'post'? i'm a noob...

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How about this?




$add = $_GET['add'];

if (isset($add)) {

if (empty($_SESSION['username'])) {

$_SESSION['username'] = "";





<p align='right'><input type='button' name='add' value='add' onClick="parent.location=('<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?add=add')"></p>


if ($_SESSION['username']){



  $stacks[0] = "

      <font color=white>Welcome, ".$_SESSION['username']."!<br><a href='Logout.php'>Log Out</a></font>

      <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='insert.php' method='post' name='changer'>

      <p align='center'>

      <input name='image' value='image' type='text'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='hyperlink'value='hyperlink'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='currency' value='currency'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='name' value='name'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='info' value='info'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='keywords' value='keywords'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='type' value='type'> <br>

      <input type='submit' value='Submit'><br></p>";

  } else {

      $stacks[0] = "you have not pressed add yet.";



} else {


  $stacks[0] = "You must be logged in!";




echo $stacks[0];




I would use javascript to add multiple fields (Use jQuery or Mootools) it is quicker and your page doesnt need to be refreshed.


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mate this is the worst way of coding but I think I have got the answer test this:


$add = $_GET['add'];
if (isset($add)) {
if (empty($_SESSION['username'])) {
	$_SESSION['username'] = "";	

<p align='right'><input type='button' name='add' value='add' onClick="parent.location=('<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?add=add')"></p>
if (isset($_SESSION['username'])){
if (empty($_SESSION['stack'])) {
	$_SESSION['stack'] = "";
$i = 0;
		$i = $_SESSION['i'];
		$_SESSION['stack'][$i] = "
		<font color=white>Welcome, ".$_SESSION['username']."!<br><a href='Logout.php'>Log Out</a></font>
		<form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='insert.php' method='post' name='changer'>
		<p align='center'>
		<input name='image' value='image' type='text'> <br>
		<input type='text' name='hyperlink'value='hyperlink'> <br>
		<input type='text' name='currency' value='currency'> <br>
		<input type='text' name='name' value='name'> <br>
		<input type='text' name='info' value='info'> <br>
		<input type='text' name='keywords' value='keywords'> <br>
		<input type='text' name='type' value='type'> <br>
		<input type='submit' value='Submit'><br></p>";
		$_SESSION['i'] += 1;
} else {
	$_SESSION['stack'][$i] = "you have not pressed add yet.";

} else {

   $_SESSION['stack'][$i] = "You must be logged in!";

foreach ($_SESSION['stack'] as $key => $val){
echo $_SESSION['stack'][$key];


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hello again.. I've adjusted it


you can see here if your logged in






But submit only submits one input stack of fields..




I'm guessing its hard for submit button to do multiple entry into the database...

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Ofcourse because they all have same name

at the end of the each field add [] like <input type="text" name ="fieldName[]" value="" > then you will get the array of the values inside the [] you can put the $i so you know the reference.


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I did this...

<p align='center'>

        <input name='image' value='image[$i]' type='text'> <br>

        <input type='text' name='hyperlink[$i]'value='hyperlink'> <br>

        <input type='text' name='currency[$i]' value='currency'> <br>

        <input type='text' name='name[$i]' value='name'> <br>

        <input type='text' name='info[$i]' value='info'> <br>

        <input type='text' name='keywords[$i]' value='keywords'> <br>

        <input type='text' name='type[$i]' value='type'> <br>



in phpmyadmin all the fields say Array??

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I have replied to this, have no idea what happend to it, I ll do it again


you need to rationalise your code first, you need to have one submit button for all the stacks. anyhow check the below code

<?php print_r($_POST); ?>
$add = $_GET['add'];
if (isset($add)) {
   if (empty($_SESSION['username'])) {
      $_SESSION['username'] = "";   

<p align='right'><input type='button' name='add' value='add' onClick="parent.location=('<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?add=add')"></p>
if (isset($_SESSION['username'])){
   if (empty($_SESSION['stack'])) {
      $_SESSION['stack'] = "";
   $i = 0;
         $i = $_SESSION['i'];
         $_SESSION['stack'][$i] = "
         <font color=white>Welcome, ".$_SESSION['username']."!<br><a href='Logout.php'>Log Out</a></font>
         <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='index.php' method='post' name='changer'>
         <p align='center'>
         <input name='image[$i]' value='image' type='text'> <br>
         <input type='text' name='hyperlink[$i]'value='hyperlink'> <br>
         <input type='text' name='currency[$i]' value='currency'> <br>
         <input type='text' name='name[$i]' value='name'> <br>
         <input type='text' name='info[$i]' value='info'> <br>
         <input type='text' name='keywords[$i]' value='keywords'> <br>
         <input type='text' name='type[$i]' value='type'> <br>
         <input type='submit' value='Submit'><br></p>";
         $_SESSION['i'] += 1;
   } else {
      $_SESSION['stack'][$i] = "you have not pressed add yet.";
} else {

   $_SESSION['stack'][$i] = "You must be logged in!";

foreach ($_SESSION['stack'] as $key => $val){
   echo $_SESSION['stack'][$key];



run this and you will get the array on top, you need to write a loop (foreach or while) array to extract the data

the dump result is something like this


    [image] => Array
            [0] => image
            [1] => image

    [hyperlink] => Array
            [0] => hyperlink
            [1] => hyperlink

    [currency] => Array
            [0] => currency
            [1] => currency

    [name] => Array
            [0] => name
            [1] => name

    [info] => Array
            [0] => info
            [1] => info

    [keywords] => Array
            [0] => keywords
            [1] => keywords

    [type] => Array
            [0] => type
            [1] => type



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Can i have an example please?

you need to write a loop (foreach or while) array to extract the data

Mate there are different major problems in here not only with the codes but also with the logics.


Can you first let me know what exactly you want to do in that page, maybe your approach is wrong, we can work on your approach, then we can fix the logics and make a cleaner code with less bugs.


Writing code is the easiest bit if you get the structue right. I would suggest write down all the steps that you want your user to follow, post them though then we can find the best solution. (Basic Flowchart is very handy!!)

How is it sound?


If you need just to know about the loop, go to php.net and look for "foeach, for, while" they are all loops and relatively easy to use.


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thanks i really appreciate the help.  I now have Everything working on the page but in phpadmin when i check the records it says Array for each field.  Its not displaying what i typed in the fields. I added $i to reference each and that works but still displays Array. Just need an understanding of this.




echo "<font color=white>Welcome, " . $_SESSION['username'] . "!<br><a href='Logout.php'>Log Out</a></font>";

$add = $_GET['add'];

if (isset($add)) {

  if (empty($_SESSION['username'])) {

      $_SESSION['username'] = "";


} ?> <p align='right'><input type='button' name='add' value='add' onClick="parent.location=('<?php

$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?add=add')"></p> <?php

if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) {

  if (empty($_SESSION['stack'])) {

      $_SESSION['stack'] = "";


  $i = 0;

  if (isset($add)) {

      $i = $_SESSION['i'];

      $_SESSION['stack'][$i] = "

      <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='insert.php' method='post' name='changer'>

      <p align='center'>

      <input name='image[$i]' value='image' type='text'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='hyperlink[$i]'value='hyperlink'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='currency[$i]' value='currency'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='name[$i]' value='name'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='info[$i]' value='info'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='keywords[$i]' value='keywords'> <br>

      <input type='text' name='type[$i]' value='type'> <br>


      $_SESSION['i']+= 1;


} else {

  $_SESSION['stack'][$i] = "You must be logged in!";


foreach($_SESSION['stack'] as $key => $val) {

  echo $_SESSION['stack'][$key];

} ?>





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There you go, but I have no idea how you are going to continue. Anyhow this your answer mate:




echo "<font color=white>Welcome, " . $_SESSION['username'] . "!<br><a href='Logout.php'>Log Out</a></font>";

foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
		echo $v; // PUT THE SQL CODE IN HERE
		// UPDATE tableName SET 'filedName' = '".$v."' WHERE If you stock here and dont knwo what to put here then use insert then use mysql_insert_id() to update the last insert
<?php print_r($_POST); ?>
$add = $_GET['add'];
if (isset($add)) {
   if (empty($_SESSION['username'])) {
      $_SESSION['username'] = "";
} ?> <p align='right'><input type='button' name='add' value='add' onClick="parent.location=('<?php
$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?add=add')"></p> <?php
if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
   if (empty($_SESSION['stack'])) {
      $_SESSION['stack'] = "";
   $i = 0;
   if (isset($add)) {
      $i = $_SESSION['i'];
      $_SESSION['stack'][$i] = "
      <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='index.php' method='post' name='changer'>
      <p align='center'>
      <input name='image[$i]' value='image' type='text'> <br>
      <input type='text' name='hyperlink[$i]'value='hyperlink'> <br>
      <input type='text' name='currency[$i]' value='currency'> <br>
      <input type='text' name='name[$i]' value='name'> <br>
      <input type='text' name='info[$i]' value='info'> <br>
      <input type='text' name='keywords[$i]' value='keywords'> <br>
      <input type='text' name='type[$i]' value='type'> <br>
      $_SESSION['i']+= 1;
} else {
   $_SESSION['stack'][$i] = "You must be logged in!";
foreach($_SESSION['stack'] as $key => $val) {
   echo $_SESSION['stack'][$key];
<input type="submit"  /> 

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thx for the help one again


foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {

  foreach ($val as $k => $v) {


    $query = " UPDATE Upload SET (`image`, `hyperlink`,`currency`,`name`,`info`,`keywords`,`type`) = '$v' INSERT mysql_insert_id() ";



      $query = "INSERT INTO Upload";

      $query = "(`image`, `hyperlink`,`currency`,`name`,`info`,`keywords`,`type`) VALUES ('$image','$hyperlink','$currency','$name','$info','$keywords','$type')";


      $results = mysql_query($query, $link);


is the bolded correct?

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No mate:

To use the mysql_insert_id(); your primary key in mysql needs to be auto_increamented field.

Then write the insert sql and use the $id = mysql_insert_id(); so you can get the last insert id then use it for the update.


Also I would suggest reading some documents about UPDATE and INSERT, it will help to to finish this task.

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There you go, but I have no idea how you are going to continue.


Not anything to do after this on this page.  the upload page will be done. I just want it simple as possible.  thx for help.  I'm more innovative when it comes to design and ideas but implementing them is where i have trouble.

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