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Hi all,


Please see my code below.

<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="<?= $PHP_SELF ?>">
  <div align="center">
    <table width="100" border="0">
        <td height="20"><p>
          <font size="2px"  ><strong><center>Name</strong><br /></font>
          <input type="text" name="name" id="name" style="border: 1px solid #2766c5;"/>
          <br />
          <br />
          <p><font size="2px"  ><strong>Message</strong><br /></font>
            <textarea wrap="hard" name="message" id="message" cols="16" rows="6"  style="border:1px solid #2766c5;"></textarea>
          <input type="image" src="http://www.chcsc.org/images/submit.jpg" name="button" id="button" value="Submit" STYLE="background-color:#2766c5;" />
          <input type="image" src="http://www.chcsc.org/images/reset.jpg" name="button2" id="button2" value="Reset" />


<div id ="cheese" style="margin-top:70px;" align="center">
  <table width="200" border="0">
      <td width="200">

// Save filename to variable.
$guestbook = "messages.txt";

// This will run if someone sends user input.
if (isset($_POST['button_x']))
	// Check whether any fields are empty or not.
	if (!empty($_POST['name'])  && !empty($_POST['message']))
		// Bad characters in E-Mail string.
		$badSearch = array("@", ".");
		// Goods characters in E-Mail string.
		$goodSearch = array(" @ ", " . ");
		// Grab name from the form and add a newline afterwards.
		$string .= "<b><center>" . $_POST['name'] . "  ";
		// Grab email and replace the @ and . in the string.
		$string .= str_replace($badSearch, $goodSearch, $_POST['email']) . "</center>\n";
		// Grab the message and save it in $string.
		$string .= "<font color=#2766c5>" . $_POST['message'] . "</font>\n<hr>";

		// Open messages.txt and append more posts to it.
		$file = fopen($guestbook, "a");
		// Write $string to the text file and replace bad characters to avoid XSS attacks.
		fwrite($file, nl2br(strip_tags($string, "<b><hr><font><center>")));
		// Close the file we opened.
		echo '<script>alert("Your comment has been added ")</script>';
	} else {
		// Of the form fields are empty will there popup a message.
		echo '<script>alert("Please fill out the whole form")</script>';

$readfile = fopen($guestbook, "r");
   echo @fread($readfile, filesize($guestbook));



This Code produces the guestbook part of the page at www.chcsc.org


As you can see, the message bit of the entries is being displayed in exactly the same way as it is being entered into the form. Is there a way to keep the breaks in the text area when the user is entering input, but stop it from inserting these breaks into the txt file?


Any help is greatly appreciated.





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