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[SOLVED] array help


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I have the following foreach statement:


$modOne = $_POST['modelone'];
$modTwo = $_POST['modeltwo'];
$modThree = $_POST['modelthree'];

$array = Array($modOne, $modTwo , $modThree);

foreach($array as $r) {
	$man_db =& JFactory::getDBO();
	$man_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM tblName WHERE model = '$r'");
	$man_rows = $man_db->loadObjectList();

		foreach($man_rows as $row) {
			$deduct = $row->deductible;
				if($deduct == '89.99') {
					$prem = '6.00';
				} elseif($deduct == '39.99') {
					$prem = '4.49';


It is only hitting the first variable in the array... how can I make this go through each array var?

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I have some post variables that are being passed to the page...


$modOne = $_POST['modelone'];
$modTwo = $_POST['modeltwo'];
$modThree = $_POST['modelthree'];

$array = array($modOne, $modTwo, $modThree);


and the foreach should then iterate through each value and give something back out of the SQL DB


foreach($array as $r) {
	$man_db = JFactory::getDBO();
	$v = mysql_real_escape_string($r);
	$man_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM tblName WHERE model = '$v'");


but it is only returning results from the very last entry in the Array ($array)

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im assuming that the results returned you are talking about are stored in the variable $prem? that seems to be the only variable that gets any data stored after the initial query in the first foreach loop.


if that is true, than that is your problem. You will need to store the data from each loop in an array. The variable will get overwritten with new data every time until the last iteration, and that is why the data from the last entry in the array is the only data you are seeing.

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ok, can we step back and disect a little bit? I think I may not be following


here is an original foreach loop:


$modOne = $_POST['modelone'];
$modTwo = $_POST['modeltwo'];
$modThree = $_POST['modelthree'];

$array = array($modOne, $modTwo, $modThree);

foreach($array as $r) {
	$man_db = JFactory::getDBO();
	$v = mysql_real_escape_string($r);
	$man_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM tblName WHERE model = '$v'");
	$man_rows = $man_db->loadObjectList();


as you can see I have each $_POST var set to another variable and then all of those are captured in an array, but when I do a print_r on the man_rows I only get the results from the very last entry in the array.

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as you can see I have each $_POST var set to another variable and then all of those are captured in an array, but when I do a print_r on the man_rows I only get the results from the very last entry in the array.


You're not pushing values onto the man_rows array.  Instead, you're overwriting the value stored in man_rows because you're using simple assignment.  Try instead:


$man_rows[] = $man_db->loadObjectList();

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ok so I did that and now I get nothing :(


$modOne = $_POST['modelone'];
$modTwo = $_POST['modeltwo'];
$modThree = $_POST['modelthree'];

$array = array($modOne, $modTwo, $modThree);

foreach($array as $r) {
	$man_db = JFactory::getDBO();
	$v = mysql_real_escape_string($r);
	$man_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM tblName WHERE model = '$v'");
	$man_rows[] = $man_db->loadObjectList();

		foreach($man_rows as $row) {
			$deduct = $row->deductible;
				if($deduct == '89.99') {
					$prem = '6.00';
				} elseif($deduct == '39.99') {
					$prem = '4.49';

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manrows is an array, not an object, and you are treating it as an object in the second foreach


$deduct = $row->deductible;


should probably be something like

$deduct = $row['deductible'];


assuming that $row is an associative array


Good catch.  If that doesn't fix it, print_r on man_rows, just so we can see if its being filled.

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updated code:


$modOne = $_POST['modelone'];
$modTwo = $_POST['modeltwo'];
$modThree = $_POST['modelthree'];

$array = array($modOne, $modTwo, $modThree);

foreach($array as $r) {
	$man_db = JFactory::getDBO();
	$v = mysql_real_escape_string($r);
	$man_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM tblName WHERE model = '$v'");
	$man_rows[] = $man_db->loadObjectList();

		foreach($man_rows as $row) {
			$deduct = $row['deductible'];
				if($deduct == '89.99') {
					$prem = '6.00';
				} elseif($deduct == '39.99') {
					$prem = '4.49';

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this is the whole script (well almost ALL of it)


$modOne = $_POST['modelone'];
$modTwo = $_POST['modeltwo'];
$modThree = $_POST['modelthree'];

$array = array($modOne, $modTwo, $modThree);

foreach($array as $r) {
	$man_db = JFactory::getDBO();
	$v = mysql_real_escape_string($r);
	$man_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM tblName WHERE model = '$v'");
	$man_rows[] = $man_db->loadObjectList();

		foreach($man_rows as $row) {
			$deduct = $row['deductible'];
				if($deduct == '89.99') {
					$prem = '6.00';
				} elseif($deduct == '39.99') {
					$prem = '4.49';

$buildTable = '<tr>';
	$buildTable .= '<th>Wireless Phone Number:</th>';
	$buildTable .= '<th>Premium:</th>';
	$buildTable .= '<th>Deductible:</th>';
$buildTable .= '</tr>';
$buildTable .= '<tr>';
	$buildTable .= '<td>' . $numOne . '</td>';
	$buildTable .= '<td>' . $prem . '</td>';
	$buildTable .= '<td>' . $deduct . '</td>';
$buildTable .= '</tr>';

if($numTwo && !empty($numTwo)) {
	$buildTable .= '<tr>';
		$buildTable .= '<td>' . $numTwo . '</td>';
		$buildTable .= '<td>' . $prem . '</td>';
		$buildTable .= '<td>' . $deduct . '</td>';
	$buildTable .= '</tr>';

if($numThree && !empty($numThree)) {
	$buildTable .= '<tr>';
		$buildTable .= '<td>' . $numThree . '</td>';
		$buildTable .= '<td>' . $prem . '</td>';
		$buildTable .= '<td>' . $deduct . '</td>';
	$buildTable .= '</tr>';


I am echoing out $buildTable later on down the page


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