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Insert SQL issue...


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For some reason this function isn't working and I'm not quite sure why...


Here's the function code, it doesn't give me any error, but it goes to the else and outputs error and doesn't add anything to the database... I'm really not sure why not. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



function addeventToPending($eventTitle, $from1, $from2, $fromtime, $to1, $to2, $totime, $quickDesc, $description){

$query = "INSERT INTO events (name, fromslashes, fromdisplay, fromtime, toslashes, todisplay, totime, quickdescription, pagedescription, sameday, status) VALUES ($eventTitle, $from1, $from2, $fromtime, $to1, $to2, $totime, $quickDesc, $description)";

	$insert_query = mysql_query($query);


echo "Your event was put up for approval.";


else {

echo "Error";




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Use mysql_error() to see the query error

function addeventToPending($eventTitle, $from1, $from2, $fromtime, $to1, $to2, $totime, $quickDesc, $description) {
$query = "INSERT INTO events (name, fromslashes, fromdisplay, fromtime, toslashes, todisplay, totime, quickdescription, pagedescription, sameday, status) VALUES ($eventTitle, $from1, $from2, $fromtime, $to1, $to2, $totime, $quickDesc, $description)";
if(!mysql_query($query)) {
echo "Your event was put up for approval.";

You would have been better passing in an associative array as a function parameter. As a rule of thumb if you have more than 3 parameters use an array. Also clean your data to prevent sql error.

function addeventToPending($data) {
// clean data
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
	$data[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
if(!mysql_query("INSERT INTO events 
				(name, fromslashes, fromdisplay, fromtime, toslashes, todisplay, totime, quickdescription, pagedescription, sameday, status) VALUES 
				(".$data['eventTitle'].", ".$data['from1'].", ".$data['from2'].", ".$data['fromtime'].", ".$data['to1'].", ".$data['to2'].", ".$data['totime'].", ".$data['quickDesc'].", ".$data['description'].")")) {
echo "Your event was put up for approval.";


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function addeventToPending($data) {
// clean data
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
	$data[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
if(!mysql_query("INSERT INTO events 
				(name, fromslashes, fromdisplay, fromtime, toslashes, todisplay, totime, quickdescription, pagedescription, sameday, status) VALUES 
				('".$data['eventTitle']."', '".$data['from1']."', '".$data['from2']."', '".$data['fromtime']."', '".$data['to1']."', '".$data['to2']."', '".$data['totime']."', '".$data['quickDesc']."', '".$data['description']."')")) {
echo "Your event was put up for approval.";

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So using the associative array method, how would I put the function together with the $_POST?


I'm currently using

 addeventToPending($_POST['title'], $_POST['datepicker1'], $_POST['alternative1'], $_POST['timestart'], $_POST['datepicker1'], $_POST['alternative2'], $_POST['timefinish'], $_POST['Qdescription'], $_POST['elm1']); 


and this isn't working... Any tips? I like to assoc idea however.



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You could use the following method. However it makes life a lot easier when your form field names have the same name as your database fields. Here I am adding the data in the form fields to the corresponding database fields.

function addeventToPending($data) {
// clean data
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
	$data[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
if(!mysql_query("INSERT INTO events 
				(name, fromslashes, fromdisplay, fromtime, toslashes, todisplay, totime, quickdescription, pagedescription, sameday, status) VALUES 
				('".$data['eventTitle']."', '".$data['from1']."', '".$data['from2']."', '".$data['fromtime']."', '".$data['to1']."', '".$data['to2']."', '".$data['totime']."', '".$data['quickDesc']."', '".$data['description']."')")) {
echo "Your event was put up for approval.";

// usage
$inputFieldNamesToDb = array('eventTitle' => 'title', 'from1' => 'datepicker1', 'from2'	=> 'alternative1', 'fromtime' => 'timestart', 'to1'	=> 'datepicker1', 'to2'	=> 'alternative2', 'totime'	=> 'timefinish', 'quickDesc' => 'Qdescription', 'description'	=> 'elm1');
foreach($inputFieldNamesToDb as $dbField => $postField) {
$data[$dbField] = $_POST[$postField];

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I added //usage before the function but I still get the same error.


 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /Users/JPFoster/Sites/Event_Profiler/scripts/functions.php on line 213
Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 

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function addeventToPending($data){

foreach($data as $key => $value) {
	$data[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
if(!mysql_query("INSERT INTO events 
				(name, fromslashes, fromdisplay, fromtime, toslashes, todisplay, totime, quickdescription, pagedescription, sameday, status) VALUES 
				('".$data['eventTitle']."', '".$data['from1']."', '".$data['from2']."', '".$data['fromtime']."', '".$data['to1']."', '".$data['to2']."', '".$data['totime']."', '".$data['quickDesc']."', '".$data['description']."')")) {
echo "Your event was put up for approval.";



Form Area:


$inputFieldNamesToDb = array('eventTitle' => 'title', 'from1' => 'datepicker1', 'from2'	=> 'alternative1', 'fromtime' => 'timestart', 'to1'	=> 'datepicker1', 'to2'	=> 'alternative2', 'totime'	=> 'timefinish', 'quickDesc' => 'Qdescription', 'description'	=> 'elm1');
foreach($inputFieldNamesToDb as $dbField => $postField) {
$data[$dbField] = $_POST[$postField];

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Oh I forgot to post it the entire area. the function calling is done by:



$inputFieldNamesToDb = array('eventTitle' => 'title', 'from1' => 'datepicker1', 'from2'	=> 'alternative1', 'fromtime' => 'timestart', 'to1'	=> 'datepicker1', 'to2'	=> 'alternative2', 'totime'	=> 'timefinish', 'quickDesc' => 'Qdescription', 'description'	=> 'elm1');
foreach($inputFieldNamesToDb as $dbField => $postField) {
$data[$dbField] = $_POST[$postField];

addeventToPending($_POST['title'], $_POST['datepicker1'], $_POST['alternative1'], $_POST['timestart'], $_POST['datepicker1'], $_POST['alternative2'], $_POST['timefinish'], $_POST['Qdescription'], $_POST['elm1']);


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This is because you have specified 11 database field names but only provided 9 peices of data

if(!mysql_query("INSERT INTO events 
				(name, fromslashes, fromdisplay, fromtime, toslashes, todisplay, totime, quickdescription, pagedescription, sameday, status) VALUES 
				('".$data['eventTitle']."', '".$data['from1']."', '".$data['from2']."', '".$data['fromtime']."', '".$data['to1']."', '".$data['to2']."', '".$data['totime']."', '".$data['quickDesc']."', '".$data['description']."')")) {

It is much easier to use the following sql syntax for insert/update

"INSERT INTO events SET name='".$data['eventTitle']."',fromslashes='".$data['from1']."',fromdisplay='".$data['from2']."',fromtime='".$data['fromtime']."',toslashes='".$data['to1']."',todisplay='".$data['to2']."'"
// complete the rest yourself

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