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includes based on GET


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So I'm creating my site with a lot of includes.... an example is ".com?f=forum&p=topics&id=5"


The main index page has the head and title info as well as the main banner and the navigation menu... then does $folder=$_REQUEST['f']; and $page=_REQUEST['p'] and includes a page like this:


if ($folder == "includes"){ $directto = $folder."/".(isset($page)? $page.".php" : "home.php"); }
else { $directto = $folder."/index.php"; }

if (file_exists($directto))
{ include($directto); } 
{ echo "$page doesnt exist in $folder"; } echo "<br />";



and the indexes in the folders will also take the $page variable to determine what information to show


... then it picks up at the bottom of the main index page for the footer and end html tags




my question is.... how good will this be for search engines? if not good... how can i make it better?

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I'm not an SEO buff, but I believe, amongst other things, search engines prefer pretty URLs, but do not necessarily require them.  As long as your links render correctly in an agent with JavaScript disabled, it will find them.


You can use mod_rewrite to clean your URLs up; it's an apache module.


And make sure you white list things coming in off of $_GET for which PHP files to include or you're vulnerable to attacks.

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If you have a file, database.config, two directories up from where you index.php is (or whatever the current directory is when Apache runs the file), then you'll include() it and give me your database credentials.


Of course I have to be good at guessing such things, but why leave it to chance?


And what if you installed third party plugins / scripts on your site?  I might know how those work and where they keep files and I could get your index.php to deliver to me configuration for all sorts of stuff.

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