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In my project user enter date in following format and i want to convert it into

yyyy-mm-dd format



  '[b]Y-m-d' => '2006-12-23',[/b]
    'm-d-Y' => '12-23-2006',
    'd-m-Y' => '23-12-2006',
    'Y/m/d' => '2006/12/23',
    'm/d/Y' => '12/23/2006',
    'd/m/Y' => '23/12/2006',
    'Y.m.d' => '2006.12.23',
    'd.m.Y' => '23.12.2006',
    'm.d.Y' => '12.23.2006',













any function to perform above task





i'm sleepy, but this is kinda what you'd need



function ConvertDate($OldDate)
$year = substr($OldDate, 6, 4);
$month = substr($OldDate, 0, 2);
$day = substr($OldDate, 2, 2);
$NewDate = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day;

echo ConvertDate('12/23/2006'); //this would output: 2006-12-23

//use a switch statement to choose the input format if you want to be able to convert different formats
//but basically you can use substr to pull each number off of the input string




User do not specify format


we have to detect format and then convert

that would be impossible...


how would you tell which is month and which is day for this date:


01/01/2009?  if the day is bigger than 12, you know it's the day since months only go to 12, but besides that, there's no way to tell unless the user specifies

Several of the formats are ambiguous (you can interpret it more than one way) because you cannot tell from the value which is the month and which is the day.


You need to limit the format that can be entered by using three drop down select menus, one for the day, one for the month, and one for the year.



I got the format from user






required output=>2009-08-24




required  output=>2009-08-24





required  output=>2009-08-24


any solution

The problem is this


given this date 07-03-08, what is the month ?

or making it easier 2007-03-08.. but still what's the month ?


the only option i can think of is

function ConvertDate($OldDate) {
return date("Y-m-d",strtotime($OldDate));

which will return 2007-03-08 from my impossible example.

but 23.12.2006 would return 2006-12-23 so you MAY be fine..


In that case;


function standard_date($input, $format) {
$format = preg_replace('~[./-]~', '', $format);
$o = preg_split('~[./-]~', $input, 3);
switch($format) {
	case 'Ymd':
		return implode('-', $o);
	case 'mdY':
		return "$o[2]-$o[0]-$o[1]";
	case 'dmY':
		return "$o[2]-$o[1]-$o[0]";
		trigger_error('Wrong date format supplied to standard_date()', E_USER_ERROR);
echo standard_date('01.23.2008', 'm.d.Y');

That's because you're using lowercase Ys. Modified to be case insensitive:


function standard_date($input, $format) {
$format = strtolower(preg_replace('~[./-]~', '', $format));
$o = preg_split('~[./-]~', $input, 3);
switch($format) {
	case 'ymd':
		return implode('-', $o);
	case 'mdy':
		return "$o[2]-$o[0]-$o[1]";
	case 'dmy':
		return "$o[2]-$o[1]-$o[0]";
		trigger_error('Wrong date format supplied to standard_date()', E_USER_ERROR);

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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