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[SOLVED] Simple Problem


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I've been tinkering with this forever and haven't seen any errors, but the page goes white (aka fatal error :D )


Here, I think I need a fresh set of eyes.

if(isset($_SESSION['username']=="Admin"  || $_SESSION['user_id']=="Cetanu" || $_SESSION['user_id']=="Chris P")){ 

echo "<form action='shop.php' method='post'> 
Adding an Item<br/> 
Name: <input type='text' maxlength='30' name='name'/><br/> 
Description:<br/> <textarea rows='50' cols='50' name='description'>Be sure to remember the +attack, -attack, etc.</textarea><br/>
Quantity: <input type='text' name='quant'/><br/>
Price: <input type='text' name='price'/> <br/>
<select name='species'> 
<option value='Predator'>Predator</option>
<option value='Alien'>Alien</option> 
<option value='Marine'>Marine</option> 
<input type='submit' name='add' value='Confirm Add'/> | <input type='reset' value='Reset'/>
</form> ";
   mysql_query("INSERT INTO shop (`item_name`, `item_description`, `price`, `quantity`, `species`) 
   VALUES('{$_POST['name']}', '{$_POST['description']}', '{$_POST['price']}', '{$_POST['quant']}', '{$_POST['species']}'"); 
  echo "<script>alert('Item Added');</script>"; 



It works if I take away the if statments/brackets....but not if I leave them. O_o

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Complete Code (which works without the erroneous part ^ )

include "db.php"; 
$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM rpg WHERE player='{$_SESSION['username']}'") or die(mysql_error());

echo $row['species']; } ?> Shop </title> 
<style type="text/css"> 
background-color: #000; 
font-family: Arial, Tahoma; 
font-size: .78em; 
padding: 10px; 
margin: 10px; 
border: 1px solid #57626B; 
width: 60%; 
float: left;
background-color: #6A8CA5; 
border: 1px solid #000; 
padding: 5px; 
font-style: italic; 
background-color: #333; 
margin: 0 auto; 
padding: 10px; 
width: 70%; 
height: 99%;
float: left; 
width: 25%; 
font-style: italic; 
color: #000; 
padding: 5px; 
border: 1px dashed #999; 
width: 98%; 
border: 2px solid #000;
text-align: center; 

<div id="tester">

//Shop script designed by Cetanu of http://mythscape.freezoka.com and http://tehfreerpg.proboards.com
//This script is licensed by the Creative Commons for: Sharing, Attribution, Non-derivative, and non-commercial. 
//You MUST leave these notices in for LEGAL use of this script. YOU MAY NOT EDIT THIS SCRIPT LEGALLY. 
//For more: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/

include "db.php"; 
$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM rpg WHERE player='{$_SESSION['username']}'") or die(mysql_error());



echo "Welcome to the <strong>Alien Shop</strong>, ".$row['name'].". You currently have ".$row['money']." in money!<div style='text-align: right; font-weight: bold;'>
<a href='cpanel.php'>Control Panel</a></div><br/> "; 
echo "<table><tr><td><strong>Item Name</strong></td> <td> <strong>Item Description</strong> </td><td> <strong>Quantity</strong></td><td><strong>Price</strong></td><td><strong> 
include "db.php"; 
$result_shop=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM shop WHERE species='Alien'") or die(mysql_error());

echo "<tr><td style='background-color: rgb(22, 36, 45);'>".$row_shop['item_name']."</td><td style='background-color: #57626B;'>".$row_shop['item_description']."</td>
<td style='background-color: rgb(22, 36, 45);'>".$row_shop['quantity']."</td><td style='background-color: #57626B;'>".$row_shop['price']."</td><td style='background-color: rgb(22, 36, 45);'>
<form action='shop.php' method='post'> <input type='radio' name='BuyA' value='".$row_shop['item_name']."'/></td></tr>";

echo "</table>";

echo "<br/><input type='submit' name='buyA' value='Confirm'/>

if($_POST['buyA'] && $_POST['BuyA']){ 
include "db.php"; 
$result_shop=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM shop WHERE species='Alien'") or die(mysql_error());

if($row_shop['item_name']=='Acidic Frenzy'){

if($i < $w){ 
echo "You cannot buy this item! You do not have enough money!!!"; 

echo "Sorry, we're out of ".$row_shop['item_name']." please wait for us to re-stock the shop.";

if($i >= $w){
$purchased='Acidic Frenzy'; 
mysql_query("UPDATE rpg SET purchased='{$purchased}' , money='{$money}' WHERE player='{$_SESSION['username']}'"); 
mysql_query("UPDATE shop SET quantity='{$quant}' WHERE item_name='{$row_shop['item_name']}'");

echo $row_shop['item_name']." Purchased."; 
} //acidic frenzy close
} //$row shop close 
} //if post buy 
} //predator 
} //player row 

echo "Welcome to the <strong>Predator Shop</strong>, ".$row['name'].". You currently have ".$row['money']." in money!<div style='text-align: right; font-weight: bold;'>
<a href='cpanel.php'>Control Panel</a></div><br/> "; 
echo "<table><tr><td><strong>Item Name</strong></td> <td> <strong>Item Description</strong> </td><td> <strong>Quantity</strong></td><td><strong>Price</strong></td><td><strong> 
include "db.php"; 
$result_shop=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM shop WHERE species='Predator'") or die(mysql_error());

echo "<tr><td style='background-color: rgb(22, 36, 45);'>".$row_shop['item_name']."</td><td style='background-color: #57626B;'>".$row_shop['item_description']."</td>
<td style='background-color: rgb(22, 36, 45);'>".$row_shop['quantity']."</td><td style='background-color: #57626B;'>".$row_shop['price']."</td><td style='background-color: rgb(22, 36, 45);'>
<form action='shop.php' method='post'> <input type='radio' name='Buy' value='".$row_shop['item_name']."'/></td></tr>";

echo "</table>";

echo "<br/><input type='submit' name='buyP' value='Confirm'/>

if($_POST['buyP'] && $_POST['Buy']){ 
include "db.php"; 
$result_shop=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM shop WHERE species='Predator'") or die(mysql_error());

if($row_shop['item_name']=='Extended Wristblades'){

if($i < $w){ 
echo "You cannot buy this item! You do not have enough money!!!"; 

echo "Sorry, we're out of ".$row_shop['item_name']." please wait for us to re-stock the shop.";

if($i >= $w){
mysql_query("UPDATE rpg SET attack='{$attack}' , money='{$money}' WHERE player='{$_SESSION['username']}'"); 
mysql_query("UPDATE shop SET quantity='{$quant}' WHERE item_name='{$row_shop['item_name']}'");

echo $row_shop['item_name']." Purchased."; 
} //wristblades close


if($i < $w){ 
echo "You cannot buy this item! You do not have enough money!!!"; 

echo "Sorry, we're out of ".$row_shop['item_name']." please wait for us to re-stock the shop.";

if($i >= $w){
mysql_query("UPDATE rpg SET attack='{$attack}' , money='{$money}' WHERE player='{$_SESSION['username']}'"); 
mysql_query("UPDATE shop SET quantity='{$quant}' WHERE item_name='{$row_shop['item_name']}'");

echo $row_shop['item_name']." Purchased."; 
} //plasmacaster close

} //$row shop close 
} //if post buy 
} //predator 
} //player row 
} //mysterious & required

echo "Welcome to the <strong>Marine Shop</strong>, ".$row['name'].". You currently have ".$row['money']." in money!<div style='text-align: right; font-weight: bold;'>
<a href='cpanel.php'>Control Panel</a></div><br/> "; 
echo "<table><tr><td><strong>Item Name</strong></td> <td> <strong>Item Description</strong> </td><td> <strong>Quantity</strong></td><td><strong>Price</strong></td><td><strong> 
include "db.php"; 
$result_shop=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM shop WHERE species='Marine'") or die(mysql_error());

echo "<tr><td style='background-color: rgb(22, 36, 45);'>".$row_shop['item_name']."</td><td style='background-color: #57626B;'>".$row_shop['item_description']."</td>
<td style='background-color: rgb(22, 36, 45);'>".$row_shop['quantity']."</td><td style='background-color: #57626B;'>".$row_shop['price']."</td><td style='background-color: rgb(22, 36, 45);'>
<form action='shop.php' method='post'> <input type='radio' name='BuyM' value='".$row_shop['item_name']."'/></td></tr>";

echo "</table>";

echo "<br/><input type='submit' name='buyM' value='Confirm'/>

if($_POST['buyM'] && $_POST['BuyM']){ 
include "db.php"; 
$result_shop=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM shop WHERE species='Marine'") or die(mysql_error());

if($row_shop['item_name']=='Rocket Launcher'){

if($i < $w){ 
echo "You cannot buy this item! You do not have enough money!!!"; 

echo "Sorry, we're out of ".$row_shop['item_name']." please wait for us to re-stock the shop.";

if($i >= $w){
mysql_query("UPDATE rpg SET attack='{$attack}' , money='{$money}' WHERE player='{$_SESSION['username']}'"); 
mysql_query("UPDATE shop SET quantity='{$quant}' WHERE item_name='{$row_shop['item_name']}'");

echo $row_shop['item_name']." Purchased."; 

if(isset($_SESSION['username']=="Admin"  || $_SESSION['user_id']=="Cetanu" || $_SESSION['user_id']=="Chris P")){ 

echo "<form action='shop.php' method='post'> 
Adding an Item<br/> 
Name: <input type='text' maxlength='30' name='name'/><br/> 
Description:<br/> <textarea rows='50' cols='50' name='description'>Be sure to remember the +attack, -attack, etc.</textarea><br/>
Quantity: <input type='text' name='quant'/><br/>
Price: <input type='text' name='price'/> <br/>
<select name='species'> 
<option value='Predator'>Predator</option>
<option value='Alien'>Alien</option> 
<option value='Marine'>Marine</option> 
<input type='submit' name='add' value='Confirm Add'/> | <input type='reset' value='Reset'/>
</form> ";
   mysql_query("INSERT INTO shop (`item_name`, `item_description`, `price`, `quantity`, `species`) 
   VALUES('{$_POST['name']}', '{$_POST['description']}', '{$_POST['price']}', '{$_POST['quant']}', '{$_POST['species']}'"); 
  echo "<script>alert('Item Added');</script>"; 

} //rpg close

} //$row shop close 
} //if post buy 
} //predator 
} //player row 
} //mysterious & required







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@Mark no, because I am designing this script for someone else. They user user_id and I user username, so I can test it in my database and then give it to them. I've already tried to get rid of the user_id statements, but it still doesn't work.

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