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[SOLVED] Can anybody explain why php behaves inconsistently?


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Can anybody explain why php behaves inconsistently with the same script and BOTH with and without an (*identical*) config file?


And with the config variable cgi.fix_pathinfo=1

set (on both identical configs)


I have two php configurations initially neither has a php.ini config file. (then in one experiment I put the same config file on both)


(a) PHP Version 4.0.6 (FreeBSD) Apache/1.3.6

(b) PHP Version 5.3.0 (Centos)  Apache/2.0.63

On both webservers I'm running exactly the same php script with no changes.

On webserver (a) when input data is entered the form is immediately cleared

and nothing else happens. (This is clearly an error)


BUT, on webserver (b) [running exactly the same script] (neither webserver

has a php.ini config file) I enter my name "Dirty Harry"


                  and the webserver returns:

User Has submitted the form and entered this name : Dirty Harry

You can use the following form again to enter the new name.


    Why does one webserver work properly and the other, (with the same

script,) does not?




script is below


<?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {

  $name = $_POST['name'];

    echo "User Has submitted the form and entered this name : <b>" . $name . "</b>";

    echo "<br>You can use the following form again to enter the new name.";




<HEAD><title>Using PHP_SELF</title></HEAD>


<FORM name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">

  Enter Your Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br>

  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Form"><br>





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(a) PHP Version 4.0.6 (FreeBSD) Apache/1.3.6

(b) PHP Version 5.3.0 (Centos)  Apache/2.0.63


Damn I need to get my eyes checked I didn't even see that at first. Upgrade server a to the version of server b and you are good to go. The reason your script on a is failing is due to the php version installed 4.0.6 $_SERVER as in $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] was only introduced as of 4.1.0 pointed out by pfmabismad.

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Have you tried outputting what $_POST contains on both servers after submitting the form?



on the webserver which works returns

array(2) { ["name"]=>  string(10) "Dirty Harry" ["submit"]=>  string(11) "Submit Form" }


And on the webserver which doesn't work, the same script returns:






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Warning: Undefined variable: _POST in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/HTML/PHP/PHP-tutorial/FormProcessing/self-tesstformgood.php on line 27


!!! Ha!


I wanted to find out specifically why it didn't work!


Now I know!


Thanks guys!




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