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Hi, i'm looking for some help testing and getting ideas to improve the site I just launched http://www.develop-ER.com. I came up with the idea a few months ago and have been working on it in my free time ever since. The biggest critique is going to be in the functionality. I will be redesigning it later on. I would have some people doing the testing for me, but I am currently deployed to Iraq and there aren't many people around me that would find this web site useful or even understand it... Any comments will be appreciated. Plus it's free advertising and tools for pretty much anyone here. I also need to expand the skills section / category so help there would be greatly appreciated.




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It looks a little too....plain/basic for me. I like websites that showcase design elements, but this site seems plain (as I said before :D ). It's hard to explain, maybe the content could be displayed differently...maybe more than one font could be used.


Doesn't Validate :o


In your CSS one error was present:


for <h3> you wrote paddin rather than padding.


Also, mailto: is used a lot, but I've heard that that is a lure for spam bots. Perhaps mail () could be used? Or just your email address and no mailto:


Well, it's okay, I just don't like the design. ;)

Email Adress Found:37

One or more email addresses have been found on this page. The majority of spam comes from email addresses harvested off the internet. The spam-bots (also known as email harvesters and email extractors) are programs that scour the internet looking for email addresses on any website they come across. Spambot programs look for strings like [email protected] and then record any addresses found.

Affected items:index.php,viewAccount.php ,register.php


Fix:Spam Proofing using Javascript and htacess, Implementing a robots.txt file

Well since in the above postings, you are not looking for design critique... I will pass on that one.


One the Developer/View profile page.  Your layout breaks.  There are two footers and two listings of ads.


Otherwise... it flows in a good order.

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