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Best methods for selling music with a website


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Hi.  My buddy has a band and they produced a cd.  They want me to design them a website to help promote and sell cd's.  I know php and mysql fairly well.  They want a demo video on the page that contains clips of each of their songs, which I figure I would just embed from youtube.  That is a good enough solution to that problem I would assume, if not, please let me know of alternative routes that you'd think would be better.


He wants to avoid selling songs individually and stick to selling the cd as a whole, to help promote their music and hope for a good record deal in the future.  Would some automated paypal checkout system be the simplest/cheapest method for me/him?


I've never used any "shopping cart" kind of software before.  I figure paypal has everything already set up, he already has a paypal account, and it seems to be among the "cheapest" method of online payment.  I've never checked prices for other checkout methods but I'm guessing paypal is pretty cheap.  This is new material for me so any advice would be helpful.




Oh and this is for my buddy, I'm making the site for free (only thing he pays for is his own domain/hosting), so you aren't helping me get rich or anything lol I'm just helping a friend out. ;)

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