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MySQL Table crashed


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I have a website running Drupal on a shared web hosting service.  A table has crashed and I haven't been able to figure out how to fix it yet.  Drupal gives errors when a page that uses that table is displayed.


MySQL version: 5.0.81


Here is what I get when running CHECK TABLE in either phpMyAdmin or via command line:

Table Op Msg_type Msg_text

xxx_drpl1.image check error Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `image`" to fix it!


This what happens when I do REPAIR TABLE:


Table Op Msg_type Msg_text

xxx_drpl1.image repair Error Table './k2as_drpl1/image' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

xxx_drpl1.image repair Error Table 'image' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

xxx_drpl1.image repair status Table is already up to date


So I kept searching and tried to use myisamchk.  I can connect to the database, but always get ERROR 1064 Syntax Error when trying various myisamchk commands.


Any help would be appreciated.



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There were no upgrades.  It apparently crashed while a user was uploading.  It is part of a Drupal Image Module.  I've been trying to repair it, finally got SSH working yesterday after trying various phpMyAdmin checks/repairs.  Been trying myisamchk since various sites have mentioned it is what should be tried if REPAIR TABLE doesn't work.  I got in via command line and can select the DB, but get syntax errors when trying things like:


myisamchk tablename;


Was trying to follow MySQL documentation.

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Thanks Fenway.  Yes, the Check command and Repair command give slightly different stories.  My research led me to think myisamchk might be an avenue to take, but I'll look and  see if Drupal offers a way to "upgrade" a table.  Though this table is part of a DB that includes about 50 tables and this is the only one that is complaining, but it is a separate module and maybe just doing an upgrade, even if my version is already the latest might fix it.


Thanks for taking the time to answer this post.



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