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Hi All


Been a while.

I am looking at building a Web Based Mailsort application. (Maily to use in-house)

Looking at tips on where to start (preying that someone has created an open-source version somewhere)


ASP, JavaScript or PHP based, I dont mind, I read all and will be re-programming it anyway.


(Please dont ask what it is, if you do not know what Mailsort is then you can not help me)



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I do not have a problem with the code, I have a problem finding the code support.

As original thread states -

I am looking to Create the application, hope someone has created one already.


This is the most appropriate forum for this topic.

Not all coding problems have the code, sometimes a coding problem could be where to start.

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Thanks Tendolla, but not what I am after.


I know a lot about MailSorts.

I even have the database.


I was more after a request if anyone has an opensource code or has a programmers guide to the funcions required for MailSort (to save reading the 200 page documentation which is more for the boss man not the programmer)


and Thore. Be my guest and try and find a Web based Mail Sort open source online.

I tried and I thought while I am looking to ask if someone has already been down this road.


You may not know, but I have been developing commercial websites for over 5 **Years, with big clients under my belt. I think I am more than capable of a Web Search and the ability to "write" a web based application.


Note my original post


Looking at tips on where to start (preying that someone has created an open-source version somewhere)


**Soz, put hours not years as length programming. Multi tasking, tut tut**

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Hi onlyican,


Is this any good?




I noticed this one earlier.


This is nothing to do with the MailSort I am after.

The point in me asking to reply only if known is to stop loads of replies from people who do not know.


Mail Sort is a system which is used when sending out mass mails via the Royal Mail postal service.

It basically puts the address details into a geographical order for the post service to use. This saves the post going via Royal Mail. therefor you get a discount from Royal Mail. Saving your company money.

This is a basic explanation. I know there is more to this.

If you still care. Don't ask,



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Cheers Tendolla, as I did mention, there is too much out there with the name "mailsort" which is either Pay For or totally not related.


I have 4 Options:

1) Waist time looking around the internet, going through Email Sort and RoyalMail Mailsort open source codes

2) Ask in a couple of Forums, see if someone else has built something already that I can basterdise.

3) Read through the 200+ page documentation about what exactly Royal Mail does in the background and spend a week developing the application

4) Give up and just by the application for £500 +. Although it is not web based.


I spent 30 mins on Step 1

This is step 2 (Waisted more time on this here so far than I did with Step 1)

So looks like bed time reading for me, I dont like giving up. Thats why I still smoke ;)

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