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I also want to let people Bèta test my site, I've worked hard on it, and I like it (doesn't mean you have to like it).  So I want to make it safe, easy to use


I want to let people test if everything works like you should expect...

only at the register page you should be sure your names start with a capital, because the script doesn't give any error yet and you can't move on to the next page


I also know that the centered text isn't beautifull.




(test account username:IRA  pass: IRA)


for moderators: http://www.ninv.be/phpfreaks.txt is to show I'm the owner

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Their went something wrong... "; switch($id){ case 1: echo "You forgot to choose a target and/or a region from where you want to attack."; break; case 2: echo "You didn't make step 1,2 and 4"; break; case 3: echo "You don't have that many rockets!"; break; case 4: echo "You didn't choose a weapon and/or an ammount"; break; default: echo "Their was an unknown problem..."; break; } echo "

return"; ?>

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use some PDO in your SQL queries this will escape SQL injection  ;)




$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=school', 'username', 'password');

$stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO Students (name) VALUES (:name)');

try {
        $stmt->execute(array('name' => $_POST['student_name']));
        echo 'Success.';
catch(PDOException $e) {
        echo 'Insertion failed. Please try again.';

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