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[SOLVED] Please Help! :(


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Hey, How would I collect multiple things from a database with this code:

for($i=0; $i<sizeof($row['title']); $i++ );

echo '<script type="text/javascript">

function ShowPopup(hoveritem)


hp = document.getElementById("hoverpopup' . $i . '");


// Set popup to visible

hp.style.visibility = "Visible";



function HidePopup()


hp = document.getElementById("hoverpopup' . $i . '");

hp.style.visibility = "Hidden";




echo '<td align="center"><a id="hoverover"


style="cursor:default;" onMouseOver="ShowPopup(this);"


onMouseOut="HidePopup();">',$row['title'],'</a><br /><body><div id="hoverpopup' .


$i . '" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute;


z-index:1; top:300; left:20; height: 71px; width: 99px">' . $i .




I was recommended the "for" code at the top but it hasn't worked :s

I was told to use this:

<?php for($i=0; $i<sizeof($records); $i++ ): ?>

  <a onMouseOver="ShowPopup('hoverpopup<?php echo $i; ?>');" onMouseOut="HidePopup('hoverpopup<?php echo $i; ?>');">link</a>


  <div id="hoverpopup<?php echo $i; ?>">

    <!-- popup stuff -->


<?php endfor; ?>


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You may have to double check the javascript (not my strong point), but first try this;


echo '<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowPopup(hoveritem)
hp = hoveritem;

// Set popup to visible
hp.style.visibility = "Visible";

function HidePopup(hoveritem)
hp = hoveritem;
hp.style.visibility = "Hidden";

for($i=0; $i<sizeof($row['title']); $i++ )

echo '<td align="center"><a id="hoverover"

style="cursor:default;" onMouseOver="ShowPopup(this);"

onMouseOut="HidePopup(this);">',$row['title'],'</a><br /><body><div id="hoverpopup' .

$i . '" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute;

z-index:1; top:300; left:20; height: 71px; width: 99px">' . $i .







can you var_dump($row['title']) to make sure you're using the correct function here.

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What value is returned when you echo $i?  In your example above you have:


<div id="hoverpopup<?php echo $i; ?>">


Does that number change when you run the script?

No, I changed all of the "$i"'s to $row['title'] just to check and all of the titles changed to 1, and I hovered over them, and it gave me 1 on all of them


You may have to double check the javascript (not my strong point), but first try this;


echo '<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowPopup(hoveritem)
hp = hoveritem;

// Set popup to visible
hp.style.visibility = "Visible";

function HidePopup(hoveritem)
hp = hoveritem;
hp.style.visibility = "Hidden";

for($i=0; $i<sizeof($row['title']); $i++ )

echo '<td align="center"><a id="hoverover"

style="cursor:default;" onMouseOver="ShowPopup(this);"

onMouseOut="HidePopup(this);">',$row['title'],'</a><br /><body><div id="hoverpopup' .

$i . '" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute;

z-index:1; top:300; left:20; height: 71px; width: 99px">' . $i .







can you var_dump($row['title']) to make sure you're using the correct function here.

I will try that now, Thank you :)

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Sure can :)


You'll need to register (No activation required)  but once you have, Click downloads, and It is right there, it is the "Recent Downloads" and "Top Rated" section.


The code that is active now is the one that gevans quoted apart from I changed the small bit from:

<div id="hoverpopup' .


  $i . '" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute;


  z-index:1; top:300; left:20; height: 71px; width: 99px">' . $i .





<div id="hoverpopup' .


  $i . '" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute;


  z-index:1; top:300; left:20; height: 71px; width: 99px">' . $row['title'] . '</div></body>';


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here's some updated code;


echo '<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowPopup(hoveritem)
hp = document.getElementById(hoveritem);

// Set popup to visible
hp.style.visibility = "Visible";

function HidePopup(hoveritem)
hp = document.getElementById(hoveritem);
hp.style.visibility = "Hidden";

for($i=0; $i<sizeof($row['title']); $i++ )

echo '<td align="center">
	<a id="hoverover" style="cursor:default;" onMouseOver="ShowPopup(\'hoverpopup'.	$i .'\');" onMouseOut="HidePopup(\'hoverpopup'.	$i .'\');">',
	<br />
	<div id="hoverpopup'. $i .'" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute;z-index:1; top:300; left:20; height: 71px; width: 99px">
		'. $i .'


Also the content of each div seems to be a number!?

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hehe, well I set it to numbers for the div because surely if it worked it would show 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 etc... right? but yes when It does come up like that (when it works) I will change the ' . $i . ' at the end to $row['title'] so that it pops up with the name.


The code you just put up has helped, now when you hover over it, It comes up with 0, and when you stop hovering, the 0 goes and the title is still visible, so it's correct now but the Numbers are not increasing :/

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Yes to both, http://www.rs-trainsim.co.uk/forums/

You'll need to register (No activation required)  but once you have, Click downloads, and It is right there, it is the "Recent Downloads" and "Top Rated" section.


and Yes, More than one title is stored on a database, the website picks out 8 titles, 4 of which are for a top rated download, and the other 4 are the most recently added download titles.


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You're not using my exact update. It's repeating the javascript which is shouldn't be in the loop...


echo '<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowPopup(hoveritem)
   hp = document.getElementById(hoveritem);

   // Set popup to visible
   hp.style.visibility = "Visible";

function HidePopup(hoveritem)
   hp = document.getElementById(hoveritem);
   hp.style.visibility = "Hidden";

for($i=0; $i<sizeof($row['title']); $i++ )

   echo '<td align="center">
      <a id="hoverover" style="cursor:default;" onMouseOver="ShowPopup(\'hoverpopup'.   $i .'\');" onMouseOut="HidePopup(\'hoverpopup'.   $i .'\');">',
      <br />
      <div id="hoverpopup'. $i .'" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute;z-index:1; top:300; left:20; height: 71px; width: 99px">
         '. $i .'


Look carefully at that, and if you have to copy/paste it in parts make sure the javascript is out of the loop.


If you get the same problem, please paste more code.

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You also seem to be printing out more data within the for loop...


<span class="smalltext">
Rating: (None)
<br />
Downloads: 1
<br />
Views: 2
<br />
Filesize: 7.01MB
<br />
Date: <b>Today</b> at 04:03:27 PM
<br />
Comments (<a href="http://rs-trainsim.co.uk/forums/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=124">0</a>)
<br />
By: <a href="http://rs-trainsim.co.uk/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=219">The Trainspotter</a>
<br />


If you can show the full script it will be a lot easier

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ok, try replacing the whole function with this;


function MainPageBlock($title, $type = 'recent')
global $db_prefix, $scripturl, $txt, $modSettings, $boardurl, $context, $user_info;

if (!$context['user']['is_guest'])
	$groupsdata = implode($user_info['groups'],',');
	$groupsdata = -1;	

$maxrowlevel = 4;

echo '<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowPopup(hoveritem)
	hp = document.getElementById(hoveritem);

	// Set popup to visible
	hp.style.visibility = "Visible";

function HidePopup(hoveritem)
	hp = document.getElementById(hoveritem);
	hp.style.visibility = "Hidden";

echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0" align="center" width="90%" class="tborder">
<tr class="titlebg">
<td align="center" colspan="4">', $title, '</td>

//Check what type it is
$query = ' ';
$query_type = 'p.ID_FILE';
	case 'recent':
		$query_type = 'p.ID_FILE';

	case 'viewed':
		$query_type = 'p.views';

	case 'mostcomments':
		$query_type = 'p.commenttotal';

	case 'mostdownloaded':
		$query_type = 'p.totaldownloads';

	case 'toprated':
		$query_type = 'p.rating';

$query = "SELECT p.ID_FILE, p.commenttotal, p.totalratings, p.rating, p.filesize, p.views, p.title, p.ID_MEMBER, m.realName, p.date, p.description,
FROM {$db_prefix}down_file as p
LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}members AS m  ON (m.ID_MEMBER = p.ID_MEMBER)
LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}down_catperm AS c ON (c.ID_GROUP IN ($groupsdata) AND c.ID_CAT = p.ID_CAT)
WHERE p.approved = 1 AND (c.view IS NULL || c.view =1) GROUP by p.ID_FILE  ORDER BY $query_type DESC LIMIT 4";

// Execute the SQL query
$dbresult = db_query($query, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$rowlevel = 0;
$i = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbresult))
	if ($rowlevel == 0)
		echo '<tr class="windowbg2">';

	echo '<td align="center">
	<a id="hoverover" style="cursor:default;" onMouseOver="ShowPopup(\'hoverpopup'.   $i .'\');" onMouseOut="HidePopup(\'hoverpopup'.   $i .'\');">',
	<br />
	<div id="hoverpopup'. $i .'" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute;z-index:1; top:300; left:20; height: 71px; width: 99px">
	'. $i .'

	echo '<span class="smalltext">';
	if (!empty($modSettings['down_set_t_rating']))
	echo $txt['downloads_form_rating'] . GetStarsByPrecent(($row['totalratings'] != 0) ? ($row['rating'] / ($row['totalratings']* 5) * 100) : 0) . '<br />';
	if (!empty($modSettings['down_set_t_downloads']))
	echo $txt['downloads_text_downloads'] . $row['totaldownloads'] . '<br />';

	if (!empty($modSettings['down_set_t_views']))
	echo $txt['downloads_text_views'] . $row['views'] . '<br />';
	if (!empty($modSettings['down_set_t_filesize']))
	echo $txt['downloads_text_filesize'] . format_size($row['filesize'], 2) . '<br />';
	if (!empty($modSettings['down_set_t_date']))
	echo $txt['downloads_text_date'] . timeformat($row['date']) . '<br />';
	if (!empty($modSettings['down_set_t_comment']))
	echo $txt['downloads_text_comments'] . ' (<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=downloads;sa=view;down=' . $row['ID_FILE'] . '">' . $row['commenttotal'] . '</a>)<br />';
	if (!empty($modSettings['down_set_t_username']))
	if ($row['realName'] != '')
	echo $txt['downloads_text_by'] . ' <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['ID_MEMBER'] . '">'  . $row['realName'] . '</a><br />';
	echo $txt['downloads_text_by'] . ' ' . $txt['downloads_guest'] . '<br />';
	echo '</span></td>';

	if ($rowlevel < ($maxrowlevel-1))
	echo '</tr>';
	$rowlevel = 0;
if ($rowlevel !=0)
echo '</tr>';

echo '
</table><br />';



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