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Hi all,


I cant seem to spot the syntax error in this line of code.


I was wondering if anybody with a fresh pair of eyes can suggest what i'm doing wrong.


'<button type="button" onclick=\"window.location='results.php?id=". $row['proposalid'] . "'\">'."Book Now".'</button>'


Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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You've actually got the syntax for an input button wrong, and the quotes were mixed up. Try this..


'<button type="button" onclick="window.location=\'results.php?id='. $row['proposalid'] .'\'" value="Book Now" />'



Thanks very much for getting back to me MrAdam.


I gave your suggestion a try there and the syntax error was gone.


However, the page got a little distorted see example 1.


What I really want is for it to look like example 2.

However, the buttons in example two dont do anything.

I just created them using the code off the w3 schools site.


'<button type="button">'."Book me!".'</button>'


Wondering if anyone can solve my dilemma?


[attachment deleted by admin]

Ah my mistake, I went wrong too. I didn't actually know there was a "button" tag until now if I'm honest.


Going with the w3schools syntax then:


'<button type="button" onclick="window.location=\'results.php?id='. $row['proposalid'] . '\'">Book Now</button>'

Ah sorry, for wrecking your head now with this.


When I add in a second row to be appended to the URL I think i'm making another syntax mistake as the button doesnt do anything


*Sorry the code should actually read like this.


'<button type="button" onclick="window.location=\'bookview.php?id='. $row['bookingref'].'&hn'. $row['hotelname'].'\'">Book Now</button>'


Just wondering if anyone could shed some light on my mistake?

You shouldn't have the 2 single quotes between the buttons..


'<button type="button" onclick="window.location=\'bookview.php?id='. $row['bookingref'].'&hn'. $row['hotelname'].'\'">Book Now</button><button type="button" onclick="window.location=\'bookview.php?id='. $row['bookingref'].'&hn'. $row['hotelname'].'\'">Book Now</button>'


If you were to use a syntax highlighter, or learn string concatenation a little more you'll be able to correct these yourself.

Sorry thats my fault there for posting up the same code twice there.


This is the code I was meant to put up.


'<button type="button" onclick="window.location=\'bookview.php?id='. $row['bookingref'].'&hn'. $row['hotelname'].'\'">Book Now</button>'


Button doesnt go anywhere when you add the second row.

Hi MrAdam


You were correct it was not a syntax error.


The hotelname value I was trying to pass through the URL had a comma in it.


When I removed the comma it seemed to work fine.


Thanks for your help.

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