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[SOLVED] Parse error: syntax error help

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I have this code right now


      $sql_data_array = array('members_firstname' => kry_db_input($firstname),
                         'members_lastname' => kry_db_input($lastname),
                         'username' => kry_db_input($username),
                          'members_password' => kry_encrypt_password($password));


I would like to insert the password in a table depending on the $role var they picked in the form

I have multiple users in a group using the same username but want them to have dfferent password.


something like this


 'members_$role' => kry_encrypt_password($password));




 '$role' => kry_encrypt_password($password));


of course my examples dont work as they are


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sorry for being so vague

and no this is not my script


it is a create account script

I am trying to have 12 people per group

the first person would create the account (this script)

there is a dropdown in the form where he selects his role in the group

then the others simply using the same username fill out a simple form later with their password

I have set up fields in the database for all the different passwords for all the different people in the group and $role would be the location defining the individual password locations.


the variable is $role and I want it to substitute the current location of the password 'members_password' that is currently in the script when used with a single person login


this is the original line in the script:

'members_password' => kry_encrypt_password($password));


I tried different ways of doing it but I have not gotten it to work. I am new at this and learning, and I am sure it is very simple. I hope this makes sense.


here is one way that I tried

'$role' => kry_encrypt_password($password));

Is this code supposed to use the $role variable as the key?

'$role' => kry_encrypt_password($password));


If so, you're not going to get what you want. Instead, you're going to get the string litteral '$role' as the key, rather than the variable. If you want to use variables in the key, you must use double quotes rather than single quotes, ie:

"members_$role" => kry_encrypt_password($password));


However, I think that you need to re-evaluate what you are doing here. You should probably NOT have multiple users with the same user name. You should probably have a group table that associates user ids with that group. Then, each user will log in with their own user name and their group identity will be in the database.



This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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