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Rewrite rule to remove file extension


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Thanks for your help. :)


I accidentally forgot to add a folder in the url in my first post (it's http://site.com/gallery/gallery-name/image-name.gif) so I think that might be preventing the code from working, and I think there are other things in my .htaccess for the gallery folder that might affect it like:


RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/?$ index.php?cat=$1 [L]


which makes site.com/gallery/paris lead to the paris category page



RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/([^/]*)$  preview.php?cat=$1&img=$2 [L]


which makes site.com/gallery/paris/image-name.gif lead to the image page



So I think if I add another rule it'd think I'm looking for another category and lead me to the category page as not found.. so because of these other rules would it not be possible for me to make site.com/gallery/paris/image-name.gif accessable as site.com/gallery/paris/image-name?


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just add the ? to the end

RewriteRule ^gallery/([^\.]*).\w{1,3} gallery/$1?


RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/([^/]*)$  preview.php?cat=$1&img=$2 [L]


which makes site.com/gallery/paris/image-name.gif lead to the image page

if I'm reading that correctly, it would make

site.com/paris/image-name.gif (no gallery)



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if I'm reading that correctly, it would make

site.com/paris/image-name.gif (no gallery)




This .htaccess is located in site.com/gallery so it's in that folder and not in the root of my site.. sorry I didn't add that earlier! When using your code I remove the gallery folder and put:


RewriteRule ^([^\.]*).\w{1,3} $1?


since it's in that folder.. is that the wrong way to do it?


When I did add that line I got a 500 internal server error when trying to access anything in the gallery folder including the index page.. is possible my server is not compatible with using that method? I tried it several times and it loaded fine when I delete that line and kept coming up with that error when I add it.



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