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Input textfield to URL


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I am trying to use the get function in php. I am setting the variables in the hyperlink url. But how would i set the content of a textfield into the url?



<div class="events">
<input type="hidden" name="elected_id2" value="<?php echo "$_POST[elected_id]"; ?>">
Cell:  <input type='text' size="15" name='cell'><br />
<center>[b]<a href="vote1.php?elected_id=<?php echo "$_GET[elected_id]"; ?>&cell=<?php echo "$_GET[cell]"; ?>"><img src="images/nextbut.gif" value="vote"></a>[/b]</center>

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Hi DarkPrince2005,


The $_GET function, like you say, grabs the content of a URL and stores it into a defined variable.  So, if my URL was:




I could use the following PHP to store the two values into variables:


$name = $_GET['name'];
$id = $_GET['id'];


However, putting the contents of a textfield into a URL would not work for a number of reasons, if you want to pass the contents of a text field you must use the $_POST function.


I hope this helps.

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Hi DarkPrince2005,


What do you mean about phones not liking Submit?  Do you mean that when a phone user clicks the submit button the script goes wrong?  If so, it may be down to the way you are checking for a $_POST request.


A lot of people check for post with "isset" or if($_POST['blah'] == 'blah'] but these methods can cause problems, it's best to check for a $_POST request with:




Not sure if this would help but it might be worth considering if you are having problems with your Submit code.

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hmmmm? Bricktop....


here's my code, it's a little messy at current.


mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die (mysql_error());

//voting entry exec after user registered-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if (isset ($_POST['register'])){
$sql1=mysql_query("insert into voters values ('','$_POST[elected_id3]','$_POST[name]','$_POST[cell2]',now())");
$sql2=mysql_query("select * from elected where elected_id like '$_POST[elected_id3]'");
mysql_query("update elected set vote_count=$count1 where elected_id like '$_POST[elected_id3]'");

include "inc/header.html";
													echo "<div id='container1'>
							<div class='events-link2'><a href='events.php'><img src='images/eventsbut.gif'></a><br /><a href='vote.php'><img src='images/votebut.gif'></a><br /><a href='terms.php'><img src='images/termsbut.gif'></a></div>
<div align='center' class='events'><table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='178'><tr><td><div class='padding'><p>";
echo "<div align='center'><p>Thank you for Voting!  Your details have been entered into the draw to win 1 of 8 R300 Fashion vouchers.<br /><br /></p></div></td></tr></div>";
include "inc/foot.html";

//check if user exists in database and check if cellphone number is valid--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

											if  (isset ($_POST['cell']) && $_POST['cell'] != ""){
											$query = mysql_query("select * from voters where mobile like '$_POST[cell]'");
											$num = mysql_num_rows($query);
											if ($num != 0){
											mysql_query("insert into voters values('','$_POST[elected_id2]','$row[name]','$row[mobile]',now())");
											$sql2=mysql_query("select * from elected where elected_id like '$_POST[elected_id2]'");
											mysql_query("update elected set vote_count=$count1 where elected_id like '$_POST[elected_id2]'");
											include "inc/header.html";
											echo "<div id='container1'>
							<div class='events-link2'><a href='events.php'><img src='images/eventsbut.gif'></a><br /><a href='vote.php'><img src='images/votebut.gif'></a><br /><a href='terms.php'><img src='images/termsbut.gif'></a></div>
<div align='center' class='events'><table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='178'><tr><td><p>";
											echo "<div align='center' class='padding'><p>Thank you for Voting!  Your details have been entered into the draw to win 1 of 8 R300 Fashion vouchers.<br /><br /></p></div></td></tr>";
											include "inc/foot.html";
											} else{
											$cell_number   = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $_POST["cell"]);
											   if (strlen($cell_number) == 10) {
												  if (substr($cell_number, 0, 1) == "0") 
//form if user isn't in  database----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

													 $cell_number = "27" . substr($cell_number, 1);
													 include "inc/header.html"; ?>
<div id="container1" align="left">
<div class="events-link2"><a href="events.php"><img src="images/eventsbut.gif"></a><br /><a href="vote.php"><img src="images/votebut.gif"></a><br /><a href="terms.php"><img src="images/termsbut.gif"></a></div><div class="events"><table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='178'><tr><td><form action='<?php $PHP_SELF; ?>' method='post'><input type='hidden' name='register' value='1'><input type='hidden' name='elected_id3' value='<?php echo "$_POST[elected_id2]"; ?>'>
													 Name: <input type='text' name='name'><br />
													 Cell: <input type='text' name='cell2' value='<?php echo "$_POST[cell]"; ?>'><br />
													 <input type='image' src='images/nextbut.gif' name='submit' value='Vote'></form><br /><br /></td></tr></div>
													 include "inc/foot.html";
												  include "inc/header.html";
													echo "<div id='container1'>
							<div class='events-link2'><a href='events.php'><img src='images/eventsbut.gif'></a><br /><a href='vote.php'><img src='images/votebut.gif'></a><br /><a href='terms.php'><img src='images/termsbut.gif'></a></div>
<div align='center' class='events'><table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='178'><tr><td><div class='padding'>Invalid Cellphone number<br /><br /></div></td></tr>";
include "inc/foot.html";
												  }//end if
												  include "inc/header.html";
													echo "<div id='container1'>
							<div class='events-link2'><a href='events.php'><img src='images/eventsbut.gif'></a><br /><a href='vote.php'><img src='images/votebut.gif'></a><br /><a href='terms.php'><img src='images/termsbut.gif'></a></div>
<div align='center' class='events'><table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='178'><tr><td><div class='padding'>Invalid Cellphone number<br /><br /></div></td></tr>";
include "inc/foot.html";
												  }//end if?>
											else if(isset ($_POST['cell']) && $_POST['cell'] == "")
											include "inc/header.html";
											?><div id="container1" align="left">
<div class="events-link2"><a href="events.php"><img src="images/eventsbut.gif"></a><br /><a href="vote.php"><img src="images/votebut.gif"></a><br /><a href="terms.php"><img src="images/termsbut.gif"></a></div><div class="events"><?php
echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='178'><tr><td>Invalid Cellphone number<br /><br /></td></tr><tr><td>";?>
<form action="<?php $PHP_SELF; ?>" method='post'><input type="hidden" name="elected_id2" value="<?php echo "$_POST[elected_id]"; ?>">
Cell:  <input type='text' size="15" name='cell' value="<?php echo "$_POST[cell]"; ?>"><br /><center><input type="image" src="images/nextbut.gif" value="Next >"></center></form>
echo "</div>
							<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%' style='margin-top:15px;'>";
							include "inc/foot.html";

							include "inc/analytics.php";

if (isset ($_POST['elected_id']) && $_POST['elected_id'] !=""){
include "inc/header.html";

<div id="container1" align="left">
<div class="events-link2"><a href="events.php"><img src="images/eventsbut.gif"></a><br /><a href="vote.php"><img src="images/votebut.gif"></a><br /><a href="terms.php"><img src="images/termsbut.gif"></a></div><div class="events"><form action="<?php $PHP_SELF; ?>" method='post'><input type="hidden" name="elected_id2" value="<?php echo "$_POST[elected_id]"; ?>">
Cell:  <input type='text' size="15" name='cell'><br /><center><input type="image" src="images/nextbut.gif" value="Next >"></center></form></div><?php

//create voting list and display entries randomly--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
					include "inc/header.html";
					echo "<div id='container1'>
							<div class='events-link2'><a href='events.php'><img src='images/eventsbut.gif'></a><br /><a href='vote.php'><img src='images/votebut.gif'></a><br /><a href='terms.php'><img src='images/termsbut.gif'></a></div>
							<div class='events'><div class='padding'>Scroll down to view picture of 
the finalists from our exciting shows.<br /><br />
Select your favourite and vote from the 
26th October to the 8th of November
& 1 of 8 R300 Fashion Vouchers 
Could be yours.<br /><br />

Watch this space for updates.</div><div align='center' class='vote'><br />
					$sql = mysql_query("select * from elected where day_no not like '-1' order by rand()");
					$num = mysql_num_rows($sql);
					if ($num > 0){
					while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){

							<form action="<?php $PHP_SELF; ?>" method='post'>
							<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="178">
										<td align="center"><?php echo "<img src='$row[img_path]' align='center'>"; ?></td>
										<td align='center'><input type='hidden' name='elected_id' value="<?php echo "$row[elected_id]"; ?>"><input type='image' src="images/vote.gif" value='Vote'><br /><br /></td>

							echo "</div>
							<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%' style='margin-top:15px;'>";
							include "inc/foot.html";

							include "inc/analytics.php";

		echo "<div align='center' class='vote'>
							<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='178'>
										<td align='center'></td>
										<td align='center'><br /><br /></td>
							include "inc/foot.html";

							include "inc/analytics.php";

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create pages and forms that don't make use of input types...

basically set all captured data into a hyperlink and post it that way...


Come on thorpe, you've givin e loads of good advice in the past.


Yeah, and if you'd post a decent description I might be able to help again. Explain the steps you are trying to make. Your code makes little sense as it is completely invalid.

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the page layout is basically detrmined by if statements.


the firts screen gives you a bunch of images to vote on, after selecting an image it goes to the second page and asks you for your cellphone number. the third screen checks if it's a valid cellphone number and depending on that either checks the database or displays a form if it's not in the database

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the page layout is basically detrmined by if statements.


the firts screen gives you a bunch of images to vote on, after selecting an image it goes to the second page and asks you for your cellphone number. the third screen checks if it's a valid cellphone number and depending on that either checks the database or displays a form if it's not in the database


That doesn't describe any problem.

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Just looked through your code and notice it's full of if(isset.... statements!


This is going to be tough, because of the way the code is structured it would need to be completely re-written to work with the if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') method of checking for a POST request.


Also, none of your POSTed data is being validated or sanitised, these values are being directly entered into your MySQL query so it's best to perform some validation/sanitisation on these values.


Not sure of the best way to proceed with this, anyone else have any better ideas other than rewriting all the code?

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