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finding bots via useragent SQL

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Welcome to my first post! Hope its in the right place  :-\


Problem: I am creating a stats counter for my website and im having abit of trouble with bots! I've decided that since bots can't read JS to do a little AJAX from the index page to a statcounter.php file sending over all the data required. I've found that the number of hits that im getting from this new stat counter and reduced dramatically! I've done a check to find a ratio of bots to people using the following code -


$rs=mysql_query("SELECT useragent FROM logline WHERE useragent LIKE '%bot%'");


echo mysql_num_rows($rs)."<br>"; //outputs 1724


$rs=mysql_query("SELECT useragent FROM logline");


echo mysql_num_rows($rs);  // outputs 22997


Now dont worry about the statcount.php and the AJAX by the time i've explained it all i would have fixed it. The question is:


Is the sql query "SELECT useragent FROM logline WHERE useragent LIKE '%bot%'" a valid way for searching for bots via useragent? If not how can I refine it?


I really need to know if the ratio that the above code is telling me is correct and if i should be looking for a problem in the statcounter.php file, or if my website really is as shit as the new stats are telling me lol.


Cheers for any help in advance  :D

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Cheers thorpe,


Just to clear something up.. i understand that "Bots do not use any user agent simply called bot" but i did assume that the string 'bot' would appear in the user agent.


I'll have a google for some bot user agents and see where that gets me. Thanks for the info ;)


Any more for any more?

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ok.. for people that are interested this is the new shit!


Having done some googling i found that the user agent will often have the following strings in them:


mysql_select_db("snail_stats", $conn);


$rs=mysql_query("SELECT useragent FROM logline

WHERE useragent LIKE '%bot%'

|| useragent LIKE '%Crawler%'

|| useragent LIKE '%Spider%'

|| useragent LIKE '%Ask Jeeves%'

|| useragent LIKE '%Search%'

|| useragent LIKE '%Indexer%'

|| useragent LIKE '%Archiver%'");



echo mysql_num_rows($rs)."<br>"; //outputs 15566


$rs=mysql_query("SELECT useragent FROM logline");


echo mysql_num_rows($rs); // outputs 22997


This is much more like it!


Thanks for the help thorpe - u da man!

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