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I'm using this basic code to display a list of recent articles, taken from a database. However, I'd like to change it, so it only displays links to articles with certain keywords in the title/body of the article.


Is this possible.


$con = mysql_connect("xxxx","xxxx","xxxx");
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("f1times_articles", $con);

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM n2s_article ORDER BY article_id DESC LIMIT 0,10");

echo "<table class='links' border='0'>

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    $url = $row['article_url'] . "-" . $row['article_id'] . ".html";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td class='link'><font face='verdana' size='1pt'>» <a href='$url'>".stripslashes($row['article_title'])."</a></td>";



Example: Currently it displays the latest 10 articles. I would like it, so it displays the latest 10 articles, but only ones which contain the words: Silver, Arrow, Mercedes.


Any help is appreciated, as my knowledge of PHP is minimal. Thanks.

Hi ryanwood4,


Change your MySQL query to read:


result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM n2s_article WHERE match(articletitle,articlebody) against ('Silver', 'Arrow', 'Mercedes') ORDER BY article_id DESC LIMIT 0,10");


Change the 'articletitle' and 'articlebody' to match the actual row names in your table.


Hope this helps.

Sorry, ryanwood4, I missed the $ from the beginning of the query, change it to:


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM n2s_article WHERE match(articletitle,articlebody) against ('Silver', 'Arrow', 'Mercedes') ORDER BY article_id DESC LIMIT 0,10");

Oh, sorry, you need to add a FULLTEXT index to the required fields before the query will work with the MATCH and AGAINST operators.




ALTER TABLE n2s_article ADD FULLTEXT(articletitle,articlebody);


You could always try the simple search case of:


SELECT * FROM n2s_article WHERE articletitle,articlebody LIKE '%Silver%' or '%Arrow%' or '%Mercedes%' ORDER BY article_id DESC LIMIT 0,10");  

No, fulltext is not required for the simpler version, try:


SELECT * FROM n2s_article WHERE 'articletitle,articlebody' LIKE '%Silver%' or  WHERE 'articletitle,articlebody' LIKE '%Arrow%' or WHERE 'articletitle,articlebody' LIKE '%Mercedes%' ORDER BY article_id DESC LIMIT 0,10");  

Still getting this error: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/f1times/public_html/mclaren_news.php on line 24



$con = mysql_connect("xxxx");
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("f1times_articles", $con);

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM n2s_article WHERE 'article_title,article_content' LIKE '%Silver%' or  WHERE 'article_title,article_content' LIKE '%Arrow%' or WHERE 'article_title,article_content' LIKE '%Mercedes%' ORDER BY article_id DESC LIMIT 0,10");  

echo "<table class='links' border='0'>

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    $url = $row['article_url'] . "-" . $row['article_id'] . ".html";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td class='link'><font face='verdana' size='1pt'>» <a href='$url'>".stripslashes($row['article_title'])."</a></td>";



I can't think of a reason as to why it won't work though. Thanks

OK, how about:


SELECT * FROM n2s_article WHERE 'article_title' LIKE '%Silver, Arrow, Mercedes%' AND 'article_body' LIKE '%Silver, Arrow, Mercedes%' ORDER BY article_id DESC LIMIT 0,10");  


Sorry, instead of going from memory I should have just run the query myself - would have saved you a lot of time!

OK, it's probably because of the AND statement limiting the results, you can change this to OR i.e.:


SELECT * FROM n2s_article WHERE 'article_title' LIKE '%Silver, Arrow, Mercedes%' OR 'article_body' LIKE '%Silver, Arrow, Mercedes%' ORDER BY article_id DESC LIMIT 0,10");  


Or, you may only with to search the article title (or body) in which case;


SELECT * FROM n2s_article WHERE 'article_title' LIKE '%Silver, Arrow, Mercedes%' ORDER BY article_id DESC LIMIT 0,10");  


Obviously, change 'article_title' to 'article_body' if it's the artcile body only you wish to search.


Hope this helps.



The field needs to be unwrapped or wrapped with ticks not single suotes;


SELECT * FROM n2s_article WHERE 'article_title' LIKE '%Silver, Arrow, Mercedes%' ORDER BY article_id DESC LIMIT 0,10"); 


should be


SELECT * FROM `n2s_article` WHERE `article_title` LIKE '%Silver, Arrow, Mercedes%' ORDER BY `article_id` DESC LIMIT 0,10"); 

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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