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[SOLVED] Having Trouble With SimpleXML


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Hey all,


I'm working on a class that uses SimpleXML to pull data from XML files to display to the user.


Here's the bit of code I'm running my head against at the moment.

class retrieveStats {
	//set XML file
	public $xml_stats = "./visits.xml";

	//load XML file
	$xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_stats);

	public function show_ids() {
		if (count($xml -> hit) > 0) {
			foreach ($xml -> hit as $a) {
				echo $a -> id;
			}//end foreach
		}//end if
	} //end show_ids
}//end class


Right now I'm just trying to access to XML file so I can display anything, which is what the show_ids function is supposed to do.


Here is the code that's running the files in the class.


$stats = new retrieveStats;
$stats -> load_xml();



When running anything in this class, I get the following error.


Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_FUNCTION' in C:\wamp\www\revised-statistics\includes\retrieve-stats.php on line 7


And I've gotta say, this error is painfully vague.


Any ideas that you might have about resolving this issue would be fantastic.


Thanks a ton!

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try this

   class retrieveStats {
      //set XML file
      public $xml_stats = "./visits.xml";
      private $xml;
      function __construct()
      //load XML file
       	$this->xml = simplexml_load_file($this->xml_stats);
      public function show_ids() {
         if (count($this->xml -> hit) > 0) {
            foreach ($this->xml -> hit as $a) {
               echo $a -> id;
            }//end foreach
         }//end if
      } //end show_ids
   }//end class

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class retrieveStats {
	//set XML file
	public $xml_stats = "./visits.xml";
	private $xml;

	//load XML file
	public function load_xml()
		$this->xml = simplexml_load_file($this->xml_stats);

	public function show_ids() {
		if (count($this->xml -> hit) > 0) {
			foreach ($this->xml -> hit as $a) {
				echo $a -> id;
			}//end foreach
		}//end if
	} //end show_ids
}//end class

Edit: MadTechie inb4 me.


But I put loading the xml file within a load_xml method instead of the construct because in your example you tried to use a load_xml method.

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@AlexWD only just beat you and you make the same mistake as I did, but I noticed it just as i was about to hit post

$this->xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_stats);

should be

$this->xml = simplexml_load_file($this->xml_stats);


BUT when you think about it, it may be better to pass the filename / path across..


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Hey, thanks! The error's gone.


Would you mind giving a short explanation as to what you did to make it work? I'd like to avoid having the same trouble later on.


Also, why the double underscore? I did a quick Google on it and all I could find was that it makes things "magical".

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@AlexWD only just beat you and you make the same mistake as I did, but I noticed it just as i was about to hit post

$this->xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_stats);

should be

$this->xml = simplexml_load_file($this->xml_stats);


BUT when you think about it, it may be better to pass the filename / path across..

:P I actually noticed and fixed that before you posted that.




The main thing you'll need to know is how to use $this, $this is used inside of a class to access methods or properties within itself. So if a class has a property of $xml, to access that property from within the class you'd do $this->xml

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The main thing you'll need to know is how to use $this, $this is used inside of a class to access methods or properties within itself. So if a class has a property of $xml, to access that property from within the class you'd do $this->xml


Ah, I've been out of writing PHP for a long while and am used to Actionscript classes. I just figured the syntax would be $this -> $xml, but I see how that wouldn't work.


Thanks again for all the help guys.

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The main thing you'll need to know is how to use $this, $this is used inside of a class to access methods or properties within itself. So if a class has a property of $xml, to access that property from within the class you'd do $this->xml


Ah, I've been out of writing PHP for a long while and am used to Actionscript classes. I just figured the syntax would be $this -> $xml, but I see how that wouldn't work.


Thanks again for all the help guys.


Yea, I actually don't like that AS OOP allows that. But even in AS OOP you're allowed to do: this.something; just not required to.

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the function __construct() basically means run this when the class is first called, the other thing to note is that you can't call a function from directly inside a class, it need to be in a function,


Ah, well good. That's one less function I have to run in the HTML file.

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Alternatively you can name the constructor as the same name as the class. All of this is stuff that you should probably look into: http://us.php.net/zend-engine-2.php


Thanks for the link - classes are definitely something I need to work more with in PHP. I'm rewriting a script I wrote in a few hours using functional logic. Messy thing.


I'd much rather have it in OOP, still have trouble thinking that way at first, especially after months of not touching PHP.

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